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Persuasive Writing Counterpoint.

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Presentation on theme: "Persuasive Writing Counterpoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persuasive Writing Counterpoint

2 Persuasive Essay - Review
Intro: thesis, captures readers’ attention, list the three points/arguments supporting your position Body: Each paragraph has a topic sentence introducing the details, each relates back to the thesis, each has a transition. Conclusion: summarizes your position, leaves reader with one last final impression.

3 Persuasive Essay Evidence: You must have FACTS in your essay to support your argument. You can NOT make up facts. Facts have to come from somewhere. You need to cite where you found your facts.

4 Citing Facts You cite the facts by listing where you found them.
For example: About 1 million people are cat owners, according to the website If you are using your own information you don’t need to cite facts. But – do NOT make up numbers or other hard facts.

5 Citing Facts At the end of your essay – on a SEPARATE SHEET which is titled “Works Cited” you again list the web site where you found your information. This should be done in alphabetical order.

6 Evidence After presenting the evidence (facts) which support your argument you need to tell the reader HOW that fact supports your argument. Example: Because so many people own cats, that means cats are the preferred animal of choice in the United States. Don’t be the only person in the US to not own a cat. (Note the use of propaganda)

7 Transitions Some examples:
Use between paragraphs so the readers know a switch in thinking is about to occur. Some examples: Also, Again, As well as, besides, in addition, likewise, accordingly, as a result, For this reason, so then, therefore, thus, wherefore, as a rule, as usual, for one thing, for example. For more examples please visit:

8 Counter Argument You need to think ahead of what those who disagree with you would say. You can use a counter argument in each paragraph or save one of your body paragraphs for the counter argument.

9 Counter Argument There are certain phrases you must use for the counter argument to be present (those include): Someone might object It might seem that Admittedly But some people may say But some people may think

10 Counter Argument In the Counter Argument you say what you think someone might say against your argument (refute it) Although some people may think cats aren’t the best pets, they are wrong because cats have shown again and again how reliable they are. The paragraph would continue to debunk the idea that people think cats aren’t the best pets.

11 Assignment You will now start the process for writing your very own persuasive essay. This time you will be graded on: Counter argument Transitions Cited Facts (if needed) This is in addition to the usual grading requirements.

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