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Day 3 Benchmark / Lab Safety.

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1 Day 3 Benchmark / Lab Safety

2 DAILY REACTION H2+ Cl2  2HCl Introduction:
Using the periodic table given to you by the teacher determine the following. Answer the following questions in your comp. book. What do you first notice about the above reaction? What do you notice on both sides of the arrow? Using the information from last class, what type of reaction is this? Using your periodic table identify the symbols names? Using the backside of your periodic table identify the name of the product.

3 Lab Safety In your note book draw the following Sketch of the room
Identify the following: Fire Blanket Fire Extinguisher(s) Exits Eyewash Station Emergency Shower Closest Fire Alarm Station Waste Disposal Container(s) Redraw on a blank 8.5 x 11 paper and you will turn this in with your Quiz.

4 the Safety quiz Reread page 19 in your book

5 Safety agreement Sign Safety Agreement Safety Quiz: Day 4
Bring Goggles by Day 4 Safety Goggles must be splash / Chemical safe

6 a look ahead Day 4: Chapter 4 Seciton 1/2 Day 5: Chapter 4 Section 2/3
Day 6: Isotope Lab / Quiz on the Atom Day 7: Chapter 4 Section 3/4

7 Combustion Rxn Fuel + O2  CO2 + H2O

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