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The root ology means the study of

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1 The root ology means the study of
Biology The study of life The root bio means life The root ology means the study of

2 Observing, studying and experimenting to learn how the world works.
Science Observing, studying and experimenting to learn how the world works. The purpose of science is to find answers to questions through observations and experiments.

3 Things in our environment that are not alive.
Abiotic Things in our environment that are not alive. Examples of abiotic factors include temperature, sunlight, wind and water. Our environment also contains abiotic structures, such as rocks and minerals. Abiotic factor Abiotic structure

4 Things in our environment that are alive.
Biotic Things in our environment that are alive. Biotic factors include plants, animals, bacteria and anything that is alive.

5 Homeostasis The processes that keep the systems inside an organism stable. Homeostasis is a requirement for organisms to keep on living. Examples: 1. Humans perspire (sweat) to cool the body when it gets hot 2. When we eat, the body uses the hormone glucose to control the amount of sugar in the blood 3. At higher altitudes, there is less oxygen in the air, so the body makes more red blood cells. This allows more oxygen to be carried to the cells.

6 Stimulus (Stimuli is plural)
A change in an organism’s internal or external environment that causes it to react. Examples: Bright light that makes your eyes squint. Pain that makes you pull away from a hot object. When the weather gets hot, animals start to shed their fun (hair.)

7 Adaptation A change or adjustment over time, to improve something, or to make it suitable for a different situation. Examples include: Mountain goats have rubbery hooves that help them jump from one rocky ledge to another without falling. The beaver can release an oily substance from its scent glands that helps to waterproof its fur. A python snake is able to smell with a gland at the roof of its mouth. This helps them to find food during the daylight or night time.

8 One of the characteristics of an organism is that they show growth.
To get larger. One of the characteristics of an organism is that they show growth.

9 To become more complex or to increase abilities.
Development To become more complex or to increase abilities. One of the characteristics of an organism is that they develop.

10 Anything that has, or once had the characteristics of life.
Organism Anything that has, or once had the characteristics of life. Organisms have 8 characteristics: 1. They have more than one cell 2. They show organization – each structure has a specific use, they are arranged in an orderly way 3. They grow and develop. 4. They reproduce (have babies) 5. Organisms respond (react) to stimuli. 6. Organisms require energy or food 7. Organisms maintain homeostasis. 8. They adapt or evolve over time.

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