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AHFSA Annual Conference

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1 AHFSA Annual Conference
Background Screening Interest Track August 4-7, 2019 Elected Officials, Stakeholders and Media Relations, Wed., August 7th, 8:00am Stephen J. Gobbo, Esq., Michigan Jane Lengel, Ohio Pat Trella, Connecticut

2 Objective: Charting a course for advocacy.
Questions from interested States: Our conference goal is dialog. In this session, representatives from interested States are encouraged to ask questions; describe their challenges of effectiveness, efficiency and equity; and exchange information.

3 Charting a course for advocacy.
Know thine “friends and enemies.” Get to know the lay of the land. Conduct an assessment of influential individuals, associations, and other government agencies for support or those that you think will not support. Discuss your position every chance you get to build rapport; recognizing other positions. Determine if someone else is in a better position to approach another person or organization for support. If support on all aspects is not possible, focus on what is common and most important. Then negotiate on remaining parts.

4 Presenting your case – research, preparation, messaging (RPM).
Research all possible issues: arguments for and arguments against. Assess best method for messaging; correct misinformation. Tie to Charting a Course for Advocacy. Recognize there may be a better messenger than you. Be aware of egos. Don’t overlook a stakeholder’s input – it can be an obstacle later. Tie to something personal with stakeholders, if possible. Benefits to the person or a cause, or family member. Use of Social media and networking to build interest.

5 Truthfulness – goes far; a lie will last forever.
When dealing with the media or Legislators, be a straight-shooter and confident. Sharing accurate information is key for credibility – have the facts/sources. Truthfulness with the weakness of a position (along with providing potential solutions) is appreciated. A lie will last forever, and once credibility is lost, it is likely lost forever. When dealing with the media, having an off-the-shelf “media kit”/resource material is helpful to control messaging. Consider Press Releases if appropriate. Plan for an interview. Keep it simple. Avoid technical answers or jargon. Don’t ignore a difficult question – if you don’t know the answer to a question, say so and get back with an answer. Don’t ignore or avoid returning a call to a journalist – be prompt (understand deadlines and a missed opportunity). Prepare for “gotcha questions.” Stick to a reporter’s question. Fill in gaps, if possible, by segueing into “your” topic: “What really matters is ” or “The more interesting question is ”

6 Other information Discussion/Questions

7 Questions from States?

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