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Presentation on theme: "PROGRAM REVIEWS 2019 PRE-REVIEW WORKSHOP"— Presentation transcript:

4 July 2019

2 Time Activity 8.30 – 9.30 am Registration 9.30  am Introduction: objectives of workshop, programme review process and role of reviewers 10.00 – am Documentation: distribution of SERs, Declaration of Interests form, Letter of Appointment and Agreement with UGC 10.30 – am Tea 10.45 – am Desk evaluation 11.15 am – pm Site visit schedule and effective use of meetings 12.00 – pm Scoring standards and calculation of final grade 12.30 – 1.30 pm Lunch 1.30 – 2.00 pm Tentative dates for site visits 2.00 – 2.30 pm Preliminary report, draft report and final report formats, deadlines for submission 2.30 – 3.00 pm General discussion 3.00 pm Tea and close


4 Objectives of workshop
Formal aspects Hand over SERs to assigned review panels + letters of appointment Signatures on Declaration of Interest, and Agreement with UGC Agree on dates for site visits Training aspects Ensure that all reviewers know what is required of them in the EQA process conducted by the QA

5 Background Third year of Program Reviews in current cycle (2nd)
2017 – UG programs in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences 2018 – UG programs in Fine Arts, Education, Law, Management and Commerce 2019 – Programs related to Health, Agriculture (+ 1 from 2018) 2020 – Programs offered by Faculties of Science, Applied Sciences, Engineering, Technology Total of 39 degree programs offered by 24 Faculties to be reviewed between Sept & Dec 2019

6 Role of reviewers in external quality assurance
Reviewers are vitally important in the effectiveness and success of EQA Need to work as a team, with Review Chair as the team leader Tasks need to be divided up between team members before, during and after site visit Only the initial desk evaluation is to be done individually

7 Reviewer profile – key characteristics
High degree of professional integrity and objectivity An enquiring disposition Ability to readily assimilate a large amounts of disparate information Ability to make appropriate judgments in the context of complex institutions different from their own Personal authority and presence Ability to act as an effective team member Good time management skills Ability to give effective oral feedback

8 Reviewer profile ctd Experience in organization and management, particularly in relation to teaching and learning matters High standard of oral and written communication, preferably with experience in writing formal reports Knowledge and understanding of the review topics, principles, and concepts Knowledge of the special characteristics and conditions of the educational provision to be reviewed Knowledge of quality assurance and quality enhancement procedures

9 Composition of review panels
Tried to include: At least 2 members with expertise in broad field of study Balance of Review Experience, University, & Gender Took into account: Declarations by reviewers of any conflict of interest Concerns expressed by Faculty under review

10 Program Review Process
Desk Evaluation of SER by reviewers SITE VISIT TO VALIDATE CLAIMS IN SER Preliminary report Draft report Comments from Faculty on draft report FINAL REPORT FR edited and published by QAC Faculty Action Plan for implementation of recommendations

11 Deliverables required of reviewers
Individually: Desk evaluation report As a team: 2. Preliminary report (key findings) 3. Draft report 4. Final report



14 Deliverable 1. Each reviewer is expected to assess the SER using a pre-formatted Excel file provided for this purpose Assign scores for each standard, by comparing what is given in the SER and the best practice listed in the Manual Make notes on any items that you would like clarified during the site visit Not necessary to complete final summary sheet (i.e. award final grade)

15 Pre-formatted Excel file for PR scores
Save file with abbreviated name of university and degree, and your initials added at end E.g. CMB_MBBS_NRdeS.xls, PDN_BSc MLS_NRdeS Excel file to QAC with copy to before pre-site visit meeting on 2 August Bring copy to pre-site visit meeting, for discussion with rest of review panel

16 Questions?


18 Role of Review Chair Contact Dean / Program Coordinator ahead of site visit and agree on schedule for site visit Decide on allocation of tasks in consultation with team members Chairing meetings Going through supporting documents for specific criteria / standards Observing teaching-learning activities Inspecting infrastructure and facilities Writing up sections of draft report Take the lead in initial and wrap-up meetings with VC / Dean, etc Compile and edit draft report Submit final report as soft copies + one hard copy

19 Site visit schedule Duration – 4 days
Should be broadly agreed upon prior to site visit Faculty should provide academic timetables so reviewers can decide on which teaching-learning activities are to be observed Generic format provided by QAC should be modified to suit requirements of Faculty, and any contingencies that emerge during site visit

20 Generic schedule for Day 1
Time Activity Participants 8.30 AM – 900 AM Meeting with the Vice Chancellor Vice Chancellor/ Dean, Director – IQAU/ Coordinator – FQAC, Chair – SER Preparation 9.00 AM – 9.30 AM Meeting with the Director - IQAU Director – IQAU 9.45 AM – AM Presentation about the Faculty and respective study programs Working Tea Dean FMS/ Director-IQAU/Coordinator FQAC/ All HODs of the Faculty/ Cluster Chair and SER Team/ Study program coordinators 10:45 AM -11:45 AM Meeting with academic staff in permanent cadre (excluding HOD) Teaching panel of respective programs (excluding HODs) Senate representatives 11:45 AM -12:15 PM Meeting with Temporary academic staff Temporary Demonstrators, Tutors etc 12:15 PM -1:00 PM Meeting with Administrative Staff Registrar/Bursar/SARs/AB/SAB/Work Engineer/DR Examination 1:00 PM -1:30 PM Lunch 1:30 PM -2:15 PM Meeting with Directors of Centres / Units / Cells All Directors of Centres/ Units/ Cell Coordinators 2:15PM-2:45PM Meeting with Student Counselors Senior Student Counselors and student counselors 2:45 PM -4:00 PM Observing, Physical Facilities Tea Review Team/ Facilitators

21 Generic schedule for Day 2
Time Activity Participants 8.30 AM – 900 AM Observing documentation Review Team/ Facilitators 9.30 AM – AM Observing teaching sessions and facilities Review Team 10.30 AM – AM Meeting with Librarian/Senior Assistant Librarians [Library Visit] Librarian/Senior Assistant Librarian/ Library Staff 11.00 AM -11:30 AM Meeting with Technical Officers All Technical officers 11:30 AM -12:30 AM Observing Documentation 12:30 PM -1:30 PM Lunch 1:30 PM -4:00 PM Working Tea

22 Generic schedule for Day 3
Time Activity Participants 8.30 AM – 9.30 AM Observing Documentation Review Team 9.30 AM – AM Meeting with Students Working Tea Group of students (30) representative of gender, ethnicity, level of study programs 10.30 AM – AM Meeting on support for student welfare Director/Physical Education, University Medical Officer 11:30 PM -12:00 Noon Meeting on research activities Chairman / Research committee, members of research committee 12:00 PM -12:30 PM Meeting with a cross section of academic support staff and non-academic staff Representative group of academic support staff and non-academic staff (10) 12:30 PM -1:15 PM Lunch 1:15 PM -2:15 PM Meeting with external stakeholders and alumni members Group of external stakeholders (about 20 employers, industry, private sector, representatives with link to or involvement with the University) and Alumni 2:15 PM -4:30 PM

23 Generic schedule for Day 4
Time Activity Participants 8.30 AM – 900 AM Meeting with mentors and Career Guidance staff Coordinator/mentoring and mentors, and Director – Career Guidance 9.00 AM – 9.30 AM English Teaching Unit Members of English teaching unit 9.30 AM – AM Observing Documentation Working Tea Review Team 12:30 PM -1:30 PM Lunch 1:30 PM -2:00 PM Private meeting of reviewers and report writing 2:00 PM -3:00 PM Closing Meeting for debriefing Vice Chancellor/Dean/Director – IQAU/ HODs/ Coordinator – FQAC/Chair & the SER – Team

24 Effective use of meetings: ‘DO’s
Use meetings as an opportunity to triangulate evidence presented in documentary form Go prepared with list of questions that need to be answered by participants in each meeting Make a note of specific questions in relation to the criteria and standards assigned to him /her Use open-ended questions to start with, and specific questions when clarity is needed Be punctual and stay with the agreed program for meetings Keep attendance records and written notes of all discussions

25 Effective use of meetings: DON’T s
Do not allow one or two persons to dominate a meeting with a group Do not get distracted into discussions that are irrelevant to the PR Do not go beyond the time allocated for the meeting, and get late for the next one, and the next…

26 Questions?


28 = = = 156 Standards Programme Review Quality Framework Criterion 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 Number of Standards 27 12 24 19 17 14 Programme Review Quality Framework = = = 156 Standards

29 Assigning Scores for Standards

30 Assigning scores objectively
When scoring a standard, the Panel should determine Degree of internalization of best practices and level of achievement of Standards, as stated in SER Degree to which the claims are supported by documented evidence, as indicated in SER Accuracy of the data and statements made in the SER, as observed during site visit

31 Guidance in Program Review Manual


33 1. Degree of internalization of best practices and level of achievement of Standards
2. Degree to which the claims are supported by documented evidence 3. Accuracy of the data and statements made in the SER

34 Guidance for decision-making
Question 1. What is the recommended best practice for this standard as stated in Program Review Manual? Question 2. What is the claim made by the program regarding their own practice(s) as stated in SER? Question 3. What evidence does the program provide to support this claim, as stated in the SER? Question 4. Do the Panel’s observations during the site visit support the claim?

35 Claim of internalization of best practice Meets standard
Evidence sufficient to support claim 3 marks Evidence not sufficient to support claim 1 or 2 marks Below standard 1 mark No claim of achievement 0 marks

36 Example Examples of Sources of Evidence expected in PR Manual: Guidelines and formats of Performance Appraisal System; sample of Annual Appraisal Reports; CPD programmes planned & conducted and follow up action taken; reward scheme that is in place and names of recipients over the past 3 years. Review Team Observations: SER claims Faculty doesn’t practice the appraisal system except for the annual increment and promotion. Evidence listed to support the claimed level of achievement deserves only 1 mark

37 Calculation of final grade
Raw scores will be automatically converted to weighted actual scores on Excel file (Worksheet entitled ‘Summary scores’) For each criterion, check if the weighted actual score is above the weighted minimum score Check on total actual score Use table provided in worksheet entitled ‘Summary scores’ to determine final grade

38 Award of final grade Criterion-wise actual score
Total actual score (%) Grade Equal to or more than the minimum weighted score for all eight criteria A B C <60 D Equal to or more than the minimum weighted score for seven of the eight criteria Equal to or more than the minimum weighted score for six of the eight criteria Irrespective of minimum weighted criterion scores

39 Final grade Grade descriptors A Very good B Good C Satisfactory D
Review panel must decide on final scores and grade together during last session on Day 4 Convey main findings to Dean and Department during final wrap-up meeting Give commendations first; then recommendations for improvement Grade descriptors A Very good B Good C Satisfactory D Unsatisfactory

40 Questions?



Completed Excel file + Word document with brief details of programme under review Review Chair to submit to DQAC by , within 2 weeks of completing the site visit

44 Format of preliminary report: title page
Program Reviews 2019 conducted by the Quality Assurance Council University Grants Commission, Sri Lanka  PRELIMINARY REPORT University : Faculty : Program : Review Panel : Site Visit Dates :

45 Format of preliminary report: contents
Section 1. Background(Half Page) When the Program was started: Number of Students in Faculty at present- breakdown in years: Maximum Capacity of Students allocated by University Grants Commission in the last 4 years: Number of batches graduated through the program from its inception Section 2. Criterion-wise strengths and weaknesses Criterion 1: Programme Management Strengths: Weaknesses: Criterion 2: Human and Physical Resources Criterion 3 etc

46 Format of preliminary report: contents, ctd.
Section 3. Final evaluation No Criterion Weighted minimum score* Actual criterion- wise score 1 Programme Management 75 2 Human and Physical Resources 50 3 Programme Design and Development 4 Course / Module Design and Development 5 Teaching and Learning 6 Learning Environment, Student Support and Progression 7 Student Assessment and Awards 8 Innovative and Healthy Practices 25 Total score (out of 1000) Total score (out of 100) Final grade:

Format set out in Programme Review Manual (p 98–102) Section 1: Introduction to programme Section 2: Observations on SER Section 3: Description of review process Section 4: Faculty’s approach to quality and standards Section 5: Judgment on each of the 8 criteria Section 6: Grading of overall performance Section 7: Commendations and recommendations Section 8: Summary Annexures

48 Format of Draft Report: cover page
University logo on left UGC logo on right Details of the PR on top with the year and dates of review Photograph of University / Faculty / Dept Names of reviewers below photograph Name-UGC and QAC bottom of page

49 Format of draft report: signature page
Scanned copy of page with signatures to be inserted after cover page University: Faculty: Program: Review Panel: Name Signature Date:

50 Format of draft report Content page to include relevant pages of each Section and Criterion (1-10/1-8) Each main Section (1-8) to be started on a new page, with heading aligned centre and subheadings left aligned Font and size Calibri font 14 (bold) for main Section headings Calibri font 13 (bold) for sub-headings Calibri font 12 for text in paragraphs Text colour: black Line Spacing Main Section headings and text – 3.0 Subheadings and content – 2.0 Paragraphs – 1.5 Sentences in paragraphs – 1.15

51 Annexures Annexures must include: final schedule for site visit
all attendance sheets from meetings Optional: additional photographs taken during site visit

52 Format of draft report ctd
Numbering of tables and figures: Have the number of the section and relevant number of the section: e.g.1.1, 2.3  Capitalization in text: use only for abbreviations and as recommended for names of people, departments, universities, etc. Word limit: Single Program (3 or 4 years duration): words; Cluster Review / 5 year program: 12,000 words

53 Submission of Draft Report to QAC
Deadline for submission to QAC (by , as Word document): within 6 weeks of completing site visit Draft report will be ed by DQAC to Dean / Rector, for corrections / comments (together with Excel file in Preliminary Report), to be sent back within 3 weeks

Comments from Dean will be sent to Review Chair, for consideration in finalizing the report in consultation with the Panel Final Report may be the same as the draft report, if no amendments are requested If the Review Panel considers it appropriate, comments from the Dean should be incorporated as changes to the draft Review Chair is required to submit the Final Report in soft copy (Word and pdf formats) and a single hard copy

55 Publication of Final Report
Final Report will be sent back to Dean prior to publication Minor factual errors may require correction; but no major changes Final Report is sent to one of a panel of editors prior to publication Edited Final Report will be uploaded to QAC website and sent to Dean Programme is required to prepare an Action Plan for implementation of recommendations in report

56 Access to document formats etc


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