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Vocabulary: modernise , appropriate, re-contextualise

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1 Vocabulary: modernise , appropriate, re-contextualise
ART Nouveau Vocabulary: modernise , appropriate, re-contextualise

2 Learning Objectives ALL Apply knowledge of Art Nouveau style to critically compare and contrast old and contemporary art works Should begin: To show your understanding of Art Nouveau style by beginning to create a poster combining Art Nouveau and contemporary elements Some could: Analyse the way some contemporary artists modernise, appropriate and re-contextualise earlier Art Nouveau art.

3 Assessment objective AO3-Record in a visual and or other forms, ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions, demonstrating an ability to reflection their work and progress A04- Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, make connections between visual, written, oral or other elements

4 Reference the elements and principles of design in your response
Line Colour Composition Texture Centre of interest Balance/symmetry Harmony Contrast Repetition

5 Art Nouveau- recap Art Nouveau was inspired by natural forms and structures, not only in flowers and plants but also in curved lines. Architects tried to harmonize with the natural environment. The philosophy of the style, art should be a way of life. the style uses precise and hard edges, Designers often used unique display typefaces that worked harmoniously with the image.

6 Compare and Contrast Discuss how elements of Art nouveau style is used by contemporary artists.

7 Alphonse Mucha vs Audrey Kawasaki

8 Audrey Kawasaki vs Paul Berthon

9 Matihole vs. Mucha

10 Matihole vs Mucha

11 Review and Share Reveal and explain your critical observations- talk about how you compared and contrasted the images you have. Do you agree or disagree with the observations of others? Explain your view.

12 Show your understanding of Art Nouveau style by beginning to create a poster combining Art Nouveau and contemporary elements

13 Did you fulfil the learning objectives
Apply knowledge of Art Nouveau style to critically compare and contrast previous and contemporary art works HOW? What did you LEARN?

14 Homework Complete and evaluate your poster at home. You can reference your homework and this lesson plan on ‘real smart’. Explain your use of Art Nouveau style and contemporary elements in your poster. Identify what worked well? Review what you would do differently and why? Due Wednesday 11th of July

15 Extension: Some could: Analyse the way some contemporary artists modernise, appropriate and re- contextualise earlier Art Nouveau art.

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