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1 {Insert your school or district name here}
National School Lunch Week October 14-18, 2019 {Insert your school or district name here} Copyright  2019 School Nutrition Association

2 Did you know? The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) was signed into law in 1946. NSLP serves 30 million students every school day! National School Lunch Week (NSLW) was created in 1962 by President John F. Kennedy. Kennedy’s goal was to recognize the importance of a healthy school lunch in a child’s life. 95% of U.S. elementary and secondary school students are enrolled in schools that participate in the NSLP.

3 Introducing: “School Lunch: What’s on YOUR Playlist?”
The 2019 National School Lunch Week theme “What’s On Your Playlist” is tailor-made to help us tell our school lunch story and highlights how today’s school cafeterias are serving up the menu items that kids want to eat, with increased choice and customization.

4 In the Spotlight #NSLW19 is our opportunity to put school lunch in the spotlight—reminding students, families, staff, and ourselves that school meals are our music to their ears and that school nutrition professionals serve favs on every tray.

5 Why is NSLW Important? Helps us increase student participation
Reminds parents, administrators, and other stakeholders of the importance of a healthy school lunch for kids’ success Provides an opportunity to connect with local media and spread the message that school lunch is healthy

6 Why Participate in NSLW?
NSLW projects the importance of a healthy school lunch in a child’s life onto a national stage. National observances tend to get the attention of the media. NSLW campaigns help to elevate the school nutrition profession. It’s an ideal occasion to invite lawmakers to visit our cafeteria.

7 Why Participate in NSLW? cont.
It’s an opportunity to raise awareness at the local level about our operation’s achievements and the role our team members play. It connects the children we serve to the people who serve them and the food they eat in new, creative and fun ways, boosting engagement and staff morale, along with our bottom line. It’s an opportunity to tell our school lunch story—what makes it special, who the characters are, and how it all comes together to create a vibrant culinary experience for children that is unique to our team.

8 NSLW National Campaign Goals
Promote Healthy Meals Community Awareness Market Expansion Raise awareness with key stakeholders and media about the importance of school meals and the role played by school nutrition professionals. Expand the market for school lunch– online and off–using social media and traditional marketing materials. Promote healthy menus and increase school lunch participation.

9 Celebrations of Note! [Insert a slide(s) for your school or district celebration plans—here are some examples you can make your own] Coordinate Create Invite An art and/or essay contest inviting students to describe a favorite school item or employee. Decorate the cafeteria with the submissions. Guest servers—principal, favorite local celebrity chef, or athlete—to work the lunch line. Don’t forget to share photos with the hashtag #NSLW19! New menu items for NSLW or rename a current favorite to reflect the them (e.g., Pizza Playlist).

10 Celebrate Your Playlist
Your “playlist” of what you enjoy most about your job that can be displayed in the dining or serving area. #NSLW19 “playlist collages” for the cafeteria and share on social media with the hashtag #SchoolLunchPlaylist. Write Make Ask Parents and staff to share their school lunch playlists. Use this info in displays, newsletters and/or social media. [Insert a slide(s) for your school or district celebration plans—here are some more examples you can make your own]

11 Create Social Buzz Facebook Cover Image Instagram Meme

12 Social Media Dos & Don’ts
√ Use relevant hashtags: #NSLW19, #SchoolLunch, #LunchPlaylist, #SchoolLunchRocks, #SchoolLunchHits X Share poor-quality photos. Move background objects out of frame, keep the camera steady and crop images instead of using the zoom. √ Share photos of healthy menu options and special events with captions of what’s depicted. X Post any photos of students without checking your school and/or district’s policy regarding photo-media releases. √ Think about who uses what platform; students use Instagram and Snapchat, while parents prefer Twitter and Facebook. X Limit yourself to posting just the week of NSLW—promote and generate excitement ahead of time and follow up with a post-NSLW update. √ Use other strategies to increase engagement, along with great photos and infographics by sharing links to relevant content from the SNA website! X Hesitate to go the extra mile to customize #NSLW19 for your school with logos, photos, mascots and more!

13 #NSLW19 Infographic Download the #NSLW19 Infographic to share with parents and on social media! This one-page flyer outlines key benefits of the NSLW program—available in English and Spanish.

14 Merchandise to Pump Up the Volume!
Make some noise for school lunch by purchasing #LunchPlaylist gear. The SNA Emporium Shop has lots of new items to choose from in all price ranges! Visit today!

15 Resources for Your Music Menu
SNA’s NSLW19 website has many more resources to “share your playlist” for school lunch week – visit for ideas, tips and more! Activity Sheets Use our downloadable coloring sheets and games for fun and easy ways to engage younger students. Artwork & Logos Download the official #NSLW19 artwork & logos to create marketing materials and use on social media. Marketing & PR Resources Make it official! Request that the mayor or city council proclaim October 14-18, 2019 National School Lunch Week with a proclamation and use the press release to reach out to the media.

16 Copyright  2019 School Nutrition Association
Thank You For Your Time! Copyright  2019 School Nutrition Association

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