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Pregnancy Year 8 Science.

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1 Pregnancy Year 8 Science

2 Sequence ovulation fertilization implantation growth birth

3 Copulation: Two people joining together for sexual reproduction
Ejaculation: The process of sperm and seamen leaving the penis Fertilisation: When one sperm penetrates the egg Zygote: When the sperm meets the egg and forms the first few cells of a baby Blastocyst: A fluid filled sack full of cells Implantation: The blastocyst attaches to the uterus lining Embryo: Developing baby <9 weeks old Keywords

4 Development of the fetus

5 Amniotic Fluid: Protects the embryo and keeps temperature constant
Placenta: Allows nutrients and oxygen from the mother to enter the baby, Allows the babies wastes such as carbon dioxide to be removed via mother. Fetus: Developing baby >9 weeks old Labour: This process involves the birth of the baby Afterbirth : Involves the placenta leaving the mother Keywords

6 Development of the Embryo

7 The baby is connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord The baby and mothers blood do not mix

8 Stages of Labour Abdominal pain – uterus contracting and relaxing
Abdominal pain becomes stronger and closer together Dilation occurs - the cervix relaxes and widens The baby’s head starts to pass through the cervix The baby is born Stages of Labour

9 Stages of Labour Continued…
The umbilical cord is cut and tied After birth - placenta is expelled from the mother Stages of Labour Continued…

10 Birth

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