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Behavior Modification: What Is It?

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Presentation on theme: "Behavior Modification: What Is It?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Behavior Modification: What Is It?
Dr. Alan H. Teich

2 What Is Behavior? Overt Covert

3 Interpretive Descriptions
What Is NOT Behavior? Interpretive Descriptions Diagnostic Labels Outcomes of Behavior

4 How Does Behavior Develop?
Biology Learning

5 Classical Conditioning
S → R

6 Operant Conditioning R → S

7 Operant & Classical Conditioning
S → R → S or A → B → C

8 Social Learning Theory
Modeling Cognitive Processes Learning vs. Performance Distinction

9 Defining Characteristics of Behavior Modification
Focus on Behavior Learning and the Environment Scientific Pragmatic and Active Methods

10 Effective Applications of Behavior Modification
Parenting Education Health Sports Employment settings Self-management

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