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CS 11 – April 1 Review steps for lab #3

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1 CS 11 – April 1 Review steps for lab #3
Finish monthly climate problem. Array of objects Convenient to organize into 3 source files. Searching an array of objects is similar to searching array of numbers, or characters in a string. findMax() – search array for an attribute findMin() – search array for an object No class tomorrow; please submit homework design by Thursday.

2 Declare attributes: 1 string, 3 int
Declare constant GOOD = 95 Initial-value constructor This is where attributes are initialized. findTotalPoints() isGood() Since we need to know the number of points, we need to call findTotalPoints( ) within isGood( ). You don’t need to make points an attribute, because it can be derived from other values.

3 Ask user for number of teams
Use nextInt( ) to read this number  numTeams Initialize count and numGood to 0 Set up while-loop to run numTeams iterations: Ask user for a name and 3 numbers Read string and 3 integers Create team object by calling Team constructor Call toString( ) to print out the object. Call isGood( ), and if true, increment numGood Print the number of good teams

4 Change program to use file I/O.
Ask user for names of input & output files Read these names from keyboard. Open the input and output files. Read first number from file  numTeams Take out prompt asking user for this number Inside while loop: Change the scanner calls so we read from the input file instead of from the keyboard

5 Monthly climate The most interesting part of the program is the Month class. Constructor reads input file. Each line corresponds to one day. Read the 4 numbers, create Day object, put in array. Traversing an array I implemented findMax( ) and findMin( ) differently so you could see the difference between finding an object versus just one attribute value. findTotalRain( ) just sums the rain attribute for each Day.

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