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Increasing Watermarking Robustness using Turbo Codes

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1 Increasing Watermarking Robustness using Turbo Codes
Corina Nafornita, Alexandru Isar, Maria Kovaci Politehnica University of Timisoara {corina.nafornita, alexandru.isar, WISP 2009, Budapest, Hungary

2 Goal Duo-binary turbo codes Robustness Capacity Imperceptibility
Watermarking requirements Perceptual mask - DWT WISP 2009, Budapest, Hungary

3 Barni et al., 2001 Daubechies-6 Watermark Marked Original Mask IDWT
WISP 2009, Budapest, Hungary

4 Proposed solution Artifacts  low resolution mask
High resolution mask Watermark easily erased All resolution levels New approach: duo-binary turbo codes WISP 2009, Budapest, Hungary

5 New method Bior2.2 DBTC Encoded Watermark Marked Original New mask
message New mask Encoded Watermark Original Marked DWT IDWT Bior2.2 Select only higher coefficients!!! WISP 2009, Budapest, Hungary

6 Mask estimation Low resolution vs. High resolution
(Barni et al.,2001) (Nafornita et al.,2006) WISP 2009, Budapest, Hungary

7 Duo-Binary Turbo Code 8-state duo binary RSC encoder , rate 2/3.
RSC r-ary ilv Input sequence r u 1 c1 c2 u2 1 c =u0 S1 u1 S3 S2 8-state duo binary RSC encoder , rate 2/3. Encoder polynomials: 15 (feedback) and 13 (redundancy) WISP 2009, Budapest, Hungary

8 Experiments Test image Lena Message length: 768 bits Block size 7
Threshold 10 Watermark strength =9 PSNR obtained dB Lena Watermarked Lena WISP 2009, Budapest, Hungary

9 AWGN: σ=3.25…15 BER vs.  BER vs. PSNR WISP 2009, Budapest, Hungary

10 JPEG compression: Q=10…100 BER vs. quality factor BER vs. PSNR
WISP 2009, Budapest, Hungary

11 Coded vs. Uncoded Attack vs. BER BER Uncoded DBTC
JPEG compression, Q=50, PSNR=32.94 dB AWGN, =8, PSNR=29.29 dB 0.0885 3.25·10-4 WISP 2009, Budapest, Hungary

12 Conclusions BER decreases in both cases when using turbo codes
Less severe attacks: perfect reconstruction, the attack modeled like an AWGN channel with high SNR. Coding gain of DBTC higher than 2 dB WISP 2009, Budapest, Hungary

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