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Reversible data hiding with contrast enhancement using adaptive histogram shifting and pixel value ordering Source: Signal Processing: Image Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Reversible data hiding with contrast enhancement using adaptive histogram shifting and pixel value ordering Source: Signal Processing: Image Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reversible data hiding with contrast enhancement using adaptive histogram shifting and pixel value ordering Source: Signal Processing: Image Communication 46 (2016) 1-16 Authors: Haishan Chen , Jiangqun Ni , Wien Hong , Tung-Shou Chen Speaker: Tzu-Meng Wang Date: /13/2018

2 Related Work(1/4) PVO (pixel value oredering) 14 29 28 16 13 30 28 16

3 bi: the bit to embed (0 or 1)
Related Work(2/4) histogram shifting fR (200) fL (85) two peaks: fL and fR bi: the bit to embed (0 or 1)

4 Related Work(3/4) histogram bin expansion b = 1 0 1 0 1 0
histogram shifting histogram bin expansion b = 2 4 85 95 73 94 193 200 253 207 189 251 1 3 85 95 72 94 193 200 254 208 189 252 1 3 84 95 85 72 94 193 200 254 201 208 189 252

5 Related Work(4/4) Image recovery extracted bin values
histogram shifting Image recovery extracted bin values 1 3 84 95 85 72 94 193 200 254 201 208 189 252 2 4 84 95 85 73 94 193 200 253 201 207 189 251 2 4 85 (1) 95 (0) 73 94 193 200 253 207 189 251

6 Proposed Method(1/10) AHS: adaptive histogram sifting
BHP: bidirectional histogram pre-shifting

7 Proposed Method(2/10) Original histogram AHS 1 2 3 6 5

8 Proposed Method(3/10 ) AHS
1 2 3 6 5 0 X (3/16) + 1 X (5/16) + 2 X (4/16) + 3 X ( 2/16) + 5 X (1/16) + 6 X (1/16) = 1.875

9 Proposed Method(4/10 ) AHS
1 2 3 6 5 pre-shifted peak-bins at lower and upper ends of histogram 1. 2.

10 Proposed Method(5/10 ) AHS
3. = (0,4) 4. A B 1 2 3 6 5 1 2 3

11 Proposed Method(6/10 ) AHS
Secret bits: Secret bits ‘:

12 Proposed Method(7/10 ) BHP
original image 4 1 2 3 8 9 6 7 BHP 4 5 3

13 Proposed Method(8/10 ) BHP

14 Proposed Method(9/10 ) BHP
4 1 2 3 8 9 6 7 4 1 8 9 3 4 5 3

15 Proposed Method(10/10 ) data embedding
PVO Histogram shifting 4 5 3 3 5 4 2 6 2 6 3 4 5 1 7 10011

16 Experiment Result(1/4)

17 Experiment Result(2/4)

18 Experiment Result(3/4)

19 Experiment Result(4/4)

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