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Rallying to the Standards

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1 Rallying to the Standards
Frank Rankin Information Governance Manager NHS Education for Scotland

2 standard “a published document which sets out specifications and procedures designed to ensure that a material, product, method or service is fit for its purpose and consistently performs the way it was intended to” (Standards Australia)

3 No recordkeeping professional can be familiar with all relevant standards…

4 BSI alone has 125 information management standards and guidance documents…
BS ISO 11620:2008 Information and documentation. Library performance indicators BS ISO 2709:2008 Information and documentation. Format for information exchange 08/ DC BS ISO Information and documentation. Registry services for libraries and related organizations BS ISO 639-5:2008 Codes for the representation of names of languages. Alpha-3 code for language families and groups DD :2008 Structured vocabularies for information retrieval. Guide. Exchange formats and protocols for interoperability BS ISO 4217:2008 Codes for the representation of currencies and funds PD ISO/TR 26122:2008 Information and documentation. Work process analysis for records 08/ DC BS ISO Language resource management. Feature structures. Part 2. Feature system declaration BIP 0089:2008 A manager's guide to the long-term preservation of electronic documents BS EN 14463:2007 Health informatics. A syntax to represent the content of medical classification systems. ClaML BS ISO :2007 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions. Country subdivision code 08/ DC BS ISO Information and documentation. Boxes, file covers and other enclosures, made from cellulosic materials, for storage or paper and parchment documents 08/ DC BS ISO Information and documentation. Records management processes for Metadata. Part 2. Conceptual and implementation issues 08/ DC BS ISO Information and documentation. International standard music number (ISMN) BS :2007 Structured vocabularies for information retrieval. Guide. Vocabularies other than thesauri Industry standards

5 Standards include… Recordkeeping Professional standards
Sectoral standards Competency standards Industry standards – that impact on recordkeeping Industry standards – to which good recordkeeping can contribute ISO15489, ICA-ISDF, International Standard for Describing Functions , ISO :2006 Information and documentation -- Records management processes -- Metadata for records -- Part 1: Principles ISO27001 Quality Standards

6 We are not alone… OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) is a not-for-profit consortium that drives the development, convergence and adoption of open standards for the global information society. The consortium produces more Web services standards than any other organization along with standards for security, e-business, and standardization efforts in the public sector and for application-specific markets. Founded in 1993, OASIS has more than 5,000 participants representing over 600 organizations and individual members in 100 countries. ( ) The eGov committee of OASIS has among its projects developments on e records management standards and common libraries of XML business document types and, open standards for XML application, and harmonization of taxonomies. (Borras) A number of communities have identified the need to share authoritative models identifying the range and nature of metadata[1] elements attached to digital objects, and the recordkeeping community is doing likewise in the emergent Recordkeeping Metadata Standard (ISO 23081) (Gilliland et al). [1] The use of Metadata does not presuppose the use of EDRMS. XML supports most EDRMS solutions and this or a similar mark-up language provides a self-documenting method of storing and exchanging electronic records (McKenna, 2007). XML also allows us to impose structure – or diplomatic­ - on apparently unstructured documents.

7 Standards can… Support efficiency, consistency, integrity, interoperability etc. Allow us to co-operate and benchmark as professionals Provides us with the framework to argue for resources/support Help us speak the language of colleagues in other disciplines Give us credibility in speaking to other communities Be overused as a “crutch” Bamboozle us Fence us in Give us reach/influence beyond our immediate sphere Allow suppliers to hoodwink us Help us to influence suppliers

8 Standards allow us to influence suppliers

9 Rallying to the standard doesn’t in itself guarantee success…

10 “… we have yet to gain an adequate understanding of how the modern office functions, how people collaborate, how decisions are made and how information is generated, shared used and maintained. Recordkeeping standards and practices will be difficult to implement as long as there is an absence of standards and practices for managing the way work is undertaken in the modern office” McDonald, J (2005) “The wild frontier ten years on” in McLeod, J and Hare, C (eds) Managing Electronic Records, Facet Publishing, London.

11 But surely, Australia…

12 ANAO audit of govt records, 2006
“[Australian National] Archives should… set minimum recordkeeping standards and requirements and develop further practical guidance. Archives should also coordinate, and periodically publish, details of the legislation, policies, standards, and guidance that impact on entities recordkeeping responsibilities…” Australian National Audit Office (2006) Recordkeeping including the Management of Electronic Records, Canberra.


14 We need to map the standards universe
Map elements between standards – a new “Dublin Core” Map recordkeeping contributions to other standards Make explicit the core standards that underpin sector and other specific standards Keep challenging and revisiting the theoretical underpinning of standards Draw out basic messages for “how-to” guidance and for lobbying suppliers and industry leaders Look to the horizon - identify opportunities in the wider standards communities Easy?

15 Thank you! Handout – Feedback forms

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