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Forestry Statistics Working Group 26-27 February 2015, Luxembourg "Current and future requirements for forestry data– DG AGRI" Tamas Szedlak AGRI H4 DG.

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Presentation on theme: "Forestry Statistics Working Group 26-27 February 2015, Luxembourg "Current and future requirements for forestry data– DG AGRI" Tamas Szedlak AGRI H4 DG."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forestry Statistics Working Group February 2015, Luxembourg "Current and future requirements for forestry data– DG AGRI" Tamas Szedlak AGRI H4 DG Agriculture and Rural Development European Commission

2 New EU Forest Strategy Strategy for forests and the forest sector: holistic view of forests and all related policies, addressing also the value chain. Objective: support sustainable forest management and strenghten the coordination with Member States as well as the coherence of EU policies affecting forests Ensuring that forests play a positive socio-economic & environmental role in the EU: rural development, added value products while delivering ecosystem services Conclusions from the Agriculture Council in May 2014: the Strategy should be the key reference in EU forest-related policy development Please find some general information on the new EU Forest Strategy in the first 5 slides 2

Sustainable forest management (forests) Goods and services in a balanced way, ensuring protection. Resource efficiency (value chain) Contribution to rural development, growth & jobs Global forest responsibility (international) Beyond EU borders 2020 OBJECTIVE: To ensure and demonstrate that all forests in the EU are managed according to sustainable forest management principles. 3

4 NEW EU FOREST STRATEGY 8 LINKED PRIORITY AREAS COORDINATION AND COMMUNICATION Working together (coordination and communication) Forests from a global perspective CONTRIBUTING TO MAJOR SOCIETAL OBJECTIVES Supporting our rural and urban communities Fostering the competitiveness and sustainability of forest-based industries, bioenergy and the wider green economy Forests and climate change Protecting forests and enhancing ecosystem services IMPROVING THE KNOWLEDGE BASE Forest information and monitoring Research and innovation Strategic orientations for each of the priority areas (COM and MS). 4


NEW EU FOREST STRATEGY INTERINSTITUTIONAL AND NEXT STEPS Conclusions from the Agriculture Council adopted in May 2014 Opinions from the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee adopted in January and July 2014 EP to adopt an initiative report (scheduled for April 2015) Preparation by 2015 of a multi-annual Implementation Plan (Council Conclusions request) Mid-term review in 2018. 6

7 EU agriculture - Statistical and economic information
This annual report covers a wide range of subjects: the economic situation in agriculture, structures, trade, markets, financial aspects and rural development. An introductory chapter gives an overview of the agricultural year. In a format that has now become standard, the tables provide an update to the tables that have appeared in previous reports. Please find the link to the DG AGRI annual publication concerning agricultural statistics

8 Basic forest resources
EU agriculture - Statistical and economic information Forestry related data Basic forest resources Area Total area, Forests and other wooded land, and Forests Ownership, forests and OWL, private, public Growing stock Of forest and OWL, and FAWL Net annual increment Of FAWL (overbark) Roundwood production Fuelwood, industrial, total (underbark) The above mentioned publication includes tables related to forestry: The first concerns basic forest resources.

9 EU external trade in forest products
Timber in the rough, other small round wood, cut or as particles Sawn timber Panels and sheets Wooden articles Paper stock/pulp wood Paper and board Cork and cork articles EU external and intra-EU trade in timber and timber products by Member State (2012) The second and third tables refer to EU external and internal trade.

10 Rural development programmes
Data needs for the preparation of the programmes, basic forestry information; area, production, economic, environmental and social – labour data (incl. ex-ante evaluation) Data needs for monitoring annual implementation report Mid-term, ex-post evaluations Data needs regarding rural development programmes for the period of

11 4.1.6. Common Context Indicators (forestry related)
II Agriculture/Sectorial analysis 13 Employment by economic activity (1000 persons, % of total) 15 Labour productivity in forestry (EUR/AWU) 29 Forest and other wooded land (FOWL) (total and share of total land area) III Environment/climate 31 Land Cover (share of forestry land, %of total area) 34 Natura 2000 areas (share of total forestry area, % of forest area) 38 Protected Forest (class and class 2 - %of FOWL area) The chapter concerning Common Context Indicators includes the following forestry related indicators.

12 4.1.6. Common Context Indicators (forestry related)
43 Production of renewable Energy from agriculture and forestry (from forestry; kToe) 44 Energy use in agriculture, forestry and food industry (agriculture and forestry kToe, use per ha (agriculture and forestry))

13 Greenhouse gas emissions
Monitoring and evaluation of the CAP of GHG emissions based on agri-environmental indicators and UNFCCC reporting Implementing acts/guidelines will determine indicators and data needs Focus will most likely be on agricultural emissions, no coverage of GHG emissions (carbon stock changes) from forestry (tbc) Afforestation & deforestation data required for activities supported under RD Climate change related data needs

14 Thank you for your attention!

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