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Cold temperature-dependent percentage BOLD signal changes in different cortical areas. a, Group mean time courses of BOLD signals to nociceptive cold (4°C.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold temperature-dependent percentage BOLD signal changes in different cortical areas. a, Group mean time courses of BOLD signals to nociceptive cold (4°C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold temperature-dependent percentage BOLD signal changes in different cortical areas. a, Group mean time courses of BOLD signals to nociceptive cold (4°C and 7°C) and innocuous cool (15°C) stimuli in areas 3a, 3b, 1, 2, and M1. Cold temperature-dependent percentage BOLD signal changes in different cortical areas. a, Group mean time courses of BOLD signals to nociceptive cold (4°C and 7°C) and innocuous cool (15°C) stimuli in areas 3a, 3b, 1, 2, and M1. Color shades around the color lines represent the range of SEs. Light orange background blocks indicate the stimulus presentation period (21 s). b–f, Plots of the percentage BOLD signal as a function of cold stimulus intensity (°C) in areas 3a, 3b, 1, and 2 of S1 and M1. g, Comparison of response amplitudes (percentage signal changes) to noxious cold (4°C and 7°C) vs innocuous (15°C) stimuli across areas. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; ****p < (nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn's post-test). h–m, Comparisons of the mean BOLD time courses (h–j) and peak (mean ± SE) BOLD signal changes (k–m) to nociceptive cold (4°C and 7°C) and innocuous cool (15°C) stimuli across cortical areas. Pai-Feng Yang et al. J. Neurosci. 2018;38: ©2018 by Society for Neuroscience

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