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Operation Christmas Child (OCC) Shoe-boxes
Operation Christmas Child (OCC) Shoe-boxes. There will be table displays about OCC during coffee time on Sundays 8th and 29th September when you can find out more about how to pack your shoe-box, where they will be sent, etc. The shoe-boxes will be displayed at church on Sunday 17th November so there is plenty of time to get one ready and they can be left in the church office at any time before that. For further details, contact Anne Hyams. BULLETIN 1st September, 2019 Welcome It’s good to have you with us today. If you are here for the first time, we are very pleased to welcome you and hope you enjoy your time here. Please make yourself known to a steward. 10.30 am All Age Service To include a Baptism Led by Rev David Lockwood ‘Follow me’ – Luke 5: 1-11 6.30 pm Evening Service To include Communion Preacher - John James Worship Leader – Rev David Lockwood ‘Faith in a hostile world – the widow at Zarephath’ 1 Kings 17: 7-24 The Communion offering is for the Home Mission Fund and Fellowship (Welfare) Fund. The bread used for Communion is gluten free. The Prayer Ministry Team are very happy to pray with you. Please look for a member of the team at the back of the church. The flowers in the sanctuary have been provided by Flower Partners. Please join Servants with Jesus for a Thanksgiving Service to thank God for the work of the Coach House over the past 42 years. The service will take place at 2.30 pm on Saturday 14th September at St Peter’s Church, Old Town. All are welcome. You are invited to a service of Thanksgiving ,Celebration and Testimony to mark 8 years of Christians Against Poverty (CAP) working in Bexhill and the surrounding area. This will take place at Sidley Baptist Church on 15th September 2019 at 3pm and be followed by tea and cake. Men’s Breakfast – Saturday 21st September from 8 am sharp in the Clifford Hall, £5 for a cooked breakfast, good fellowship and an interesting speaker. Guest speaker this month – Ian McDowell, founder of ‘Tough Talk’. To book your place contact Peter Wilson – or If you would like to learn more about what becoming a member of Beulah entails, there will be an opportunity on Wednesday 25th September: 10.30 am in the Buckhurst Room or 7.30 pm in the Blue Room. If you plan to come along to either session, please let the office know. Please come to a Barn Dance on Saturday 28th September in aid of Mdawi Orphan Care, Tanzania. 7.30pm to 10.30pm in the Clifford Hall. Tickets £7.50 per adult, £4.00 per child to include a Ploughman's supper. Tickets available from Bryan and Rosemary Henley or from Sue in the office. Bring your own drinks, no alcohol. We hope that Allen and Agatha from Mdawi will be there and would like to be able to send them home with a generous donation for their work with the children. Rosemary and Bryan.. Purpose Statement Knowing Jesus. Transforming People. Changing Society. Our vision is to build ourselves into an effective Christian community which engages with the world through daily interaction and is facilitated by premises suitable for that purpose.
Mon am Home Group (Buckhurst Room) 7.30 pm Trustees Meeting (Buckhurst Room) 7.30 pm Marching Band (Clifford Hall) Tues 2.00 pm Art Club (Clifford Hall) 2.30 pm Tea Talk 5.30 pm Limitless (Blue Room) 7.30 pm Duke of Edinburgh (Barnett Barn) Weds 2.00 pm Home Group (Buckhurst Room) 7.30 pm Church Prayer Evening (Buckhurst Room) Thurs 9.00 am Clifford Day Centre (Clifford Hall) 7.00 pm Square Dance (Clifford Hall) 7.30 pm Worship Group rehearsal (Sanctuary) Sat 8.00 am Leadership Prayers (Blue Room) 10.00 am The Turning (Clifford Hall) Pastor David’s day off is Friday. In the case of a pastoral emergency, please contact one of the Elders listed in the directory. Please remember Pat Reigh in your prayers as he preaches at Heathfield Chapel this morning. Helen Winfield thanks everyone for their prayers and expressions of love and kindness following her recent injury. Miraculously she has been found to only have an old fracture, not a new one. For those who have signed up to attend the October ‘Follow me’ course, you will find slips in your pigeon holes confirming your choice and giving times and venue. Extra information and sign-up leaflets for the course to take place on Wednesdays throughout October can be found on the piano. The deadline to sign up has been extended to Sunday 8th September From September a new Craft Club will be starting up, meeting in the Payne Room on the second Monday of each month, 10 am to 12 noon. Come along for the first meeting on Monday 9th September to find out more. As in previous years Beulah will have a stall at the Bexhill Sea Festival over the weekend of 7th and 8th September. This takes place on the lawns adjacent to the De La Warr Pavilion. It’s great to be involved in this community event and our stall is usually very popular with families. If you can help staff the stall, either helping with the craft or meeting and greeting folk, please sign up on the sign-up sheets to be found on the piano. NEXT SUNDAY 9.15 am and am Morning Services Led by Rev David Lockwood ‘10 Second Rule: Why bother?’ – Luke 7: 11-17 6.30 pm Evening Service Preacher – Terry Watson ‘Faith in a hostile world – Courage in service’ 1 Kings 18: 1-15 Beulah Baptist Church, Clifford Road, Bexhill, TN40 1QA Tel (01424) An alternative way of giving to the church is by bank transfer: sort code A/c no We need wire coat hangers for a craft at the Sea Festival. If anyone has some to spare, I will put a box at the back of the church during August. If anyone has any blank or unwanted CD's, could they please bring them for another Sea festival craft. They can be put in the box with the wire coat hangers. Thank you. Many thanks. Ann Hoy Thanks to everyone who donated wool etc. towards my trip to Ukraine. I fly out on Sunday 8th September for a week to join the other 8 team members. Please pray that those people who don't yet know the Lord will accept Him as Saviour, and those who do know The Lord will deepen their relationship with Him. Thankyou. Jackie Hughes
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