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Cities for Workforce Health

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1 Cities for Workforce Health
Grant Cycle & Consulting Timeline Pictured above: City of Dublin celebrates its 10-week wellness challenge

2 Cities for Workforce Health Grant Program
Cities for Workforce Health is designed to engage League of CA cities and their employees in building a culture of health and making enhanced health and wellness a reality at the workplace. Cities for Workforce Health is a program of the League of CA Cities, League Partners Program. It supports CA cities in improving the health of their employees, and is made possible through organizations who participate in the League Partners Program. These organizations include Kaiser Permanente, Keenan & Associates, and the HEAL Cities Campaign. The 2019 – 2020 granting cycle represents the seventh year of the Cities for Workforce Health grant program. The resources provided through this program pertain to workforce health programs and can be used by any city in California. All cities are encouraged to involve their broker or consultant in these discussions as they build their workforce health strategy.

3 Overview of Consulting Agreement with City
The program is organized in “steps” or touch-points, with action steps for the city at each consulting phase City will need to “own” program and make some progress with their action steps in order to progress

4 Cities for Workforce Health will provide:
Up to 20 hours of consultation with a professionally trained worksite wellness expert over a 12 month period, beginning in January. Access to a third party assessment of grantee City’s workforce health initiatives when compared to industry best practices. Access to free online workforce health resources. Recommendations on fee-based program elements that best fit City’s employee demographic and capabilities. Assistance in promoting and launching the programs selected within the allotted timeframe.

5 Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) Cities Campaign
400 + Policies Workforce Wellness Land Use Healthy Food WHO MAKES POLICY? This is a critical question! IT can be your HR director, your CM, your Council. MANY OF YOUR cities have already made a high level commitment to wellness policy. Your city is already a HEAL City and your council, the body that has the responsibility for policy, has already stated its commitment to employee wellness. 120 cities with workforce wellness in their resolutions 200+ policies Types of policies within the resolutions (look at model resolution) Wellness Committee and Assessment Establish and convene a Workplace Wellness Committee; Require a self-assessment of wellness practices in each municipal workplace; Nutrition Set nutrition standards aligned with HEAL nutrition standards policy for food offered at city events, sponsored meetings, served at city facilities, concessions, city programs and parks; Set healthy vending nutrition standards aligned with HEAL healthy nutrition standards for all vending machines located in city facilities and parks; Make water the standard beverage option at all city events, sponsored meetings and city programs; Ensure that free and appealing water is readily available in municipally owned buildings, including parks; Breastfeeding Accommodate breastfeeding employees upon their return to work; Designate lactation space within each municipally owned/ operated building for breastfeeding mothers to reduce barriers to breastfeeding in municipal workplace; Establish walking meetings and use of stairways; Establish scheduled physical activity breaks throughout the workday; Establish physical activity breaks for meetings over one hour in length; Offer employees healthy incentives for healthy eating and physical activity;

6 What the City needs to provide:
A primary contact to complete and/or lead the program development steps outlined above. These are sequential, so you will move through them, in order, with our help. Completion of any pre-work assigned before consulting calls, or rescheduling if pre-work is not completed as planned. Decision of how (City) will spend the $5,000 grant monies awarded. Decide within six months of the date of the initial consulting call. Note: The grant dollars are not intended to be used to fund incentives only. The city may need to provide additional funds if the desired program costs more than $5,000 allocation Program completion within 12 months from Jan 2020 Evaluation survey – City to complete in Q4 2020

7 About the Funding Up to $5,000 can be used towards the following products/programs through Kaiser Permanente: Onsite biometric screenings, health education classes, and flu shots Online Total Health Assessment and Healthy Lifestyle Programs Online wellness program (i.e., physical activity or healthy eating challenge) Communication materials for the above programs The grant dollars are not intended to be used to fund incentives only. The five selected cities must consult with their Consultant on how the $5,000 credit will be spent. Depending on the size of your employee population and the programs you choose to implement, the $5,000 credit may not cover the entire cost of a product/program. The city may need to provide additional funds if the desired program costs more than $5,000 allocation. Funds must be used in the calendar year. Any unused portion or remaining amount: Cannot be applied to non-KP programs; Cannot be applied to programs in the following year; and Cannot be transferred to the city or used for other programs or services.

8 Grant Program Timeline
Oct 2019 Nov - Dec 2019 Jan 2020 Feb-March 2020 April-May 2020 June-Sept 2020 Oct 2020 Nov - Dec 2020 Implement action plan Check in and discuss via as needed Continue telephonic consulting Discuss employee engagement and wellness brand/logo Continue Consulting and review program results Discuss Satisfaction Survey Participate in Orientation Call Launch Telephonic Wellness Consulting Receive Notification of Grant Award Receive overview materials Begin internal preparations for 2020 consulting Continue Telephonic Consulting Discuss core resources, employee interest/satisfaction surveys, and wellness committee Develop action plan Continue Consulting and Implementation of action plan Conduct Final consulting sessions Review Survey Results/Long Range Program Plan Complete evaluation

9 Consulting Engagement Sample: Jan - May
Feb-Mar Apr-May Consulting Focus: Review contacts, expectations, experience with wellness, & city’s existing policies and procedures New Steps for Group: Review tools and resources provided Begin establishing a wellness committee Distribute employee interest survey Consulting Focus: Review progress with wellness committee Review results of interest survey Discuss core resources (, THA, etc) Next Steps for Group: Launch wellness committee Promote health assessment participation Consulting Focus: , guidance calls and follow-ups as needed Discuss progress for health assessment campaign Discuss importance of developing a wellness brand/logo For $5K spend: Introduce program ideas; onboarding process and communication Next steps for Group Launch survey and gather results

10 Consulting Engagement Sample: Jun - Dec
Jun-Sep Oct Nov - Dec Consulting Focus , guidance calls, and follow ups as needed, and conduct survey employee satisfaction survey Next Steps for Group Launch of employee engagement program Communicate with multiple check-in calls/ for guidance and support Conduct survey employee satisfaction survey Next Consulting Session Employee engagement program results Discuss satisfaction survey to launch Plan next steps Next Steps for Group Launch Survey and gather results Final Consulting Session Review Survey Results Review program long range plan and next steps Next Steps for Group: Determine next steps for 2021

11 If you have questions, please contact:
Karen Lyons: Mike Egan: Kanat Tibet: Robin Rager:

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