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WG on Forestry statistics, 26 October 2016 Agenda point 5. 2

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1 WG on Forestry statistics, 26 October 2016 Agenda point 5. 2
WG on Forestry statistics, 26 October 2016 Agenda point Preparing for the JFSQ's 2017 review Marilise Wolf-Crowther, Eurostat E2

2 The JFSQ – in depth review in 2017
Eurostat proposes to prepare a EU proposal for the next meeting of the Inter- Secretariat Working Group on Forest Sector Statistics (IWG; UNECE, FAO, ITTO and Eurostat) The IWG meets in the beginning of each year 2017 was announced as the year of big changes to the JFSQ (HS 2017 in force), though 2017 data will only be collected in 2018 Eurostat proposes an electronic survey of the JFSQ correspondents

3 The overall philosophy of the JFSQ for removals
Cover all removals of wood from the forest / other felling site Reporting should match in different surveys: Joint Wood Energy Enquiry (JWEE, UNECE) European Forest Accounts (EFA, Eurostat) Data should reflect changed practices, not only stem wood removals: Small branches used for pulp Stumps Green chips made in the forest

4 The overall philosophy of the JFSQ for production
Cover all quantities sold and have a coherent trade balance ? (also coherent with PRODCOM) OR Continue covering only parts of some products and have a coherent wood fibre balance? Produce a separate wood fibre balance using the JFSQ data, JWEE, and expert estimates from knowledge of processes?

5 JFSQ products that could be simplified
1. The products 6.2.C, 6.2.NC and 6.2.NC.T, keeping only 6.2 (Plywood)? 2. The products to 7.3.4, keeping only 7.3 (Chemical wood pulp)? 3. The products to , keeping only 10.1 (Graphic papers)? 4. The products to , keeping only 10.3 (Packaging materials)?

6 Products that could be added to the JFSQ
Recovered wood, as a new product 3.3 Statistics on waste could be a good source, in tonnes All products under 3 could be in 1000 tonnes: Chips and particles Residues including wood for agglomerates Recovered wood

7 Next steps Eurostat to launch an electronic survey for the correspondent on these issues In November 2016

8 Thank you for your attention!

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