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Cooperative Work Experience

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1 Cooperative Work Experience
Presenters Raul Arambula, Chancellor’s Office Dianna Chiabotti, Napa Valley College Jamar London, ASCCC Curriculum Committee, Santa Monica College

2 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Session Description In this session, we will explore the ins and outs of Cooperative Work Experience (CWE) within community colleges across California. Come hear and learn what other colleges have done and share your college’s vision for CWE. 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

3 Outcomes For This Session
Review various forms of Cooperative Work Experience Education (CWEE) Review Title 5 and CWEE Review Strong Workforce Priorities and the CTE Guided Pathways Tool Kit Review how CWEE fits within CTE Guided Pathways Possible ways to form internship opportunities 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

4 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Approved Plan §55250 MUST have approved plan! Adopted by district Systematic design … “Students will gain realistic learning experiences through work” 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

5 Laws/Rules Applicable to Minors §55250
All laws/rules applicable to minors in an employment situations are applicable in CWE 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

6 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Employed ? ? § Yes, they can be! Can be employed outside of district 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

7 Funds for Students with Development Disabilities §55250.4
May use any funds to the extent that it is permissible to pay the wages of students so employed 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

8 CWE Involving Apprenticeships §55250.5
Must be consistent with Chapter 4 of Division 3 or the Labor Code Must be consistent with standards established by California Apprenticeship Council 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

9 CWE Outside of District §55250.6
May provide 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

10 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Wages & Workers Comp § District may provide wages District may provide workers’ compensation insurance for students in work experience 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

11 Requirements of the plan §55251
Descriptions of responsibilities Description of each type of CWEE Description of how the district will: Assign personnel Evaluate students on the job training with the employers Basis of awarding credit Provide adequate clerical/instructional services 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

12 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Types of CWEE §55252 General Work Experience Supervised employment which is intended to assist students acquiring desirable work habits, attitudes, and career awareness Work experience need not to be related to the students’ educational goals Student’s jobs need not be directly related to their educational goals Occupational Work Experience supervised employment extending classroom based occupational learning at an on-the-job learning station Related to the students' educational or occupational goal. Should we give an couple general examples of General Work Experience and Occupational Work Experience or ask attendees to provide an example of each? Formatting – Should there be a little square before “General Work Experience”? 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

13 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
College credit §55253 May earn up to 16 credits (sem.) or 24 credits (quart.) General Work experience Maximum of 6 units per enrollment period Occupational Work experience Maximum of 8 units per enrollment period 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

14 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Repetition §55253 The district policy on repetition may permit a student to repeat CWEE as long as the student does not exceed the number of units allowed. Repetition in CWEE may claim apportionment Need to know your local Repetition policy! 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

15 Student qualification §55254
Pursue a planned program of CWEE which, in the opinion of the Instructor/Coordinator, includes new or expanded responsibilities or learning opportunities beyond those experienced during previous employment. Student shall meet this criteria 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

16 Student qualification §55254
Have on the job learning experiences that contribute to career or educational goals Approved by academic personnel Student shall meet this criteria 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

17 Student qualifications §55254
If self employed. . . Identify a person who is approved by academic personnel to serve as the designated employer representative. This representative shall agree in writing to accept the following employer responsibilities: Assist the student in identifying new or expanded on-the-job learning objectives. Assist in the evaluation of the student's identified on-the-job learning objectives. Validate hours worked. Student shall meet this criteria 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

18 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
District shall §55255 The district shall provide sufficient services for initiating and maintaining on-the-job learning stations coordinating the program 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

19 Employer & Instructor/Coordinator §55255
Share responsibility for on-the-job supervision, which shall include but not be limited to: Instructor/Coordinator consultation in person with employers to discuss students' educational growth on the job. Written evaluation of students' progress in meeting planned on-the-job learning objectives. Consultation with students in person to discuss students' educational growth on the job. Must happen at least once a semester/quarter In limited situations may be other than in person but there are stupulatins - CO 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

20 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Records §55256 The district shall maintain records of at least the following: The type and units of CWEE in which each student is enrolled Where the student is employed Type of job held A statement signed and dated by an academic employee indicates basis for determining whether the student is qualified for CWEE Record keeping for the district of college 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

21 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Records §55256 A record of the work permit issued, if applicable The employer's or designated representative’s statement of student hours worked evaluation of performance on the agreed-upon learning objectives. Work hours may be verified either by weekly or monthly time sheets or by a summary statement at the end of the enrollment period. 1. Is this the employers record keeping responsibilities? 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

22 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Records §55256 New or expanded on-the-job measurable learning objectives which serve as part of the basis for determining the student's grade Signed by academic personnel the employer or designated representative the student 1. District record keeping??? 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

23 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Records §55256 Signed and Dated records documenting Consultation(s) in person with the employer or designated representative Personal consultation(s) with the student Evaluation of the student's achievement of the on-the-job learning objectives The final grade 1. Who is keeping these reords? 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

24 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Credit § One student contact hour is counted for each unit of work experience credit in which a student is enrolled The learning experience and the identified on-the-job learning objectives shall be sufficient to support the units to be awarded. 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

25 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Credit § The following formula will be used to determine the number of units to be awarded: Each 75 hours of paid work equals one semester credit or 50 hours equals one quarter credit. Each 60 hours of non-paid work equals one semester credit or 40 hours equals one quarter credit. Units may be awarded in 0.5 unit increments. 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

26 Job Learning Stations §55257
Job Learning Stations must meet this criteria: Employers must agree with CWE purpose Given a copy of the students approved on the job learning objectives 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

27 Job Learning Stations §55257
Job Learning Stations must meet this criteria: Stations offer a reasonable probability of continuous work experience for enrollment term. 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

28 Job Learning Stations §55257
Job Learning Stations must meet this criteria: Employers agree to provide adequate supervision Facilities equipment, and materials at the learning stations to achieve on-the-job learning objectives. 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

29 Job Learning Stations §55257
Job Learning Stations must meet this criteria: Employers agree to comply with all appropriate federal & state employment regulations. 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

30 CWE Develop plan Local governing board approval COCI
Curriculum committee review Develop CWE course Implement CWE Plan Local governing board approval Dolores will do this slide. Kim and Jackie to help with slide content 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

31 Empowering Community Colleges to Build the Nation’s Future
2014 American Association of Community Colleges

32 1) Build Cross-Agency Partnerships/Clarify roles
2) Identify Sector/ Industry & engage employers 3) Design Education & Training programs 4) Identify Funding Needs & Sources 5) Align Policies & Programs 6) Measure System Change & Performance Career Pathways Toolkit Workforce GPS 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

33 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Guided Pathways Ensuring Learning Stay On the path Enter the path Clarify the path 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

34 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
What about AB 705? AB 705 Synopsis California Assembly Bill taking effect January 1, 2018 Requires College or District maximize the probability that a student will enter and complete transfer-level course in English or mathematics within a one year timeframe Requires College or District to use one of more for students placement: High School course work, High School grades, and High school GPA Requires Colleges or District to maximize the probability that a student enrolled in ESL enter and complete degree or transfer requirements for English within three years Small Group Brainstorm How can CWEE be used by California Community Colleges to respond to AB 705? Is it possible to incorporate CWEE in our Corequisite (concurrent support course) designs? Is this sometime you all would like to do as a group discussion? Do you believe there is a connection here??? I am not sure? We should ask for attendees to share some of their ideas with the entire group. 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

35 Small Group: Sharing and Learning
Groups of four to six individuals What are some of the highlights of your college’s CWEE plan? What lessons has your college learned throughout the development and implementation of your colleges’ CWEE plan? What academic disciplines have participated in the development of your plan and how can we encourage other disciplines to explore opportunities in CWEE? Can we come up with at least 5 questions for the small groups to discuss? Can we get a sample CWEE plan just incase attendees are not familiar wit hits design? 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

36 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Share Out What we Learned? Ideas to take back to your campus. Potential new partners Is it possible for us to have each group write their responses on large poster paper and post them in the room? Or is this something we want to stay away After we have concluded sharing responses, should we open up the session for general questions? Dianna, as Raul and I have little experience with CWEE this would only occur if you are comfortable with such a general question period. 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

37 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute
Presenter Contact Information Raul Arambula, Chancellor’s Office Dianna Chiabotti, Napa Valley College Jamar London, ASCCC Curriculum Committee, Santa Monica College Do we want to end with a slide contacting our contact information? Are there any resources on the internet we can provide links to? 2019 ASCCC Curriculum Institute

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