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Peer Assisted Learning(PAL)

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1 Peer Assisted Learning(PAL)
Microlearning Sessions by Nursing Education Network

2 Key Learning Outcomes Introduce and provide an overview of Peer Assisted Learning (PAL): Explain education theory of PAL Benefits and limitations of PAL Provide some key readings

3 Peer Assisted Learning (PAL)
“People from similar social groupings who are not professional teachers helping each other to learn and learning themselves by teaching” (Topping, 1996). “A two-way, reciprocal learning activity” (Boud, 2001). “To teach is to learn twice” by Joseph Joubert. Social learning theory of Wenger & Bandura Hidden curriculum socialisation hierarchy/power Key Reference: Nursing Education Network. (2019). Peer Assisted Learning (PAL).

4 Benefits of PAL Learner (Tutee) Teacher (Tutor) Increased knowledge
Increased psychomotor skills Increased self-confidence Improved communication skills Emotional support Learn the 'hidden curriculum' Able to admit areas of development in a flattened hierarchy Revision and reinforcing learnt knowledge Improved teaching skills Improved feedback skills Improved communication skills Increased knowledge Increased confidence and responsibility Team: role model behaviour, communication

5 PAL Limitations Some studies found PAL programs provided no benefit or effect, or the benefit of improved learning occurred for the tutor rather than the learner (the power of reinforcement). The evidence of PAL in healthcare is predominantly from the student setting so questions remain on introducing PAL in the clinical environment. Pyschomotor- physical skills   Cognitive- understanding and comprehending Affective- values, beliefs and behaviours Key Reference: McKenna, L., & French, J. (2011). A step ahead: Teaching undergraduate students to be peer teachers. Nurse Education in Practice, 11(2), [abstract]

6 References Olaussen, A., Reddy, P., Irvine, S., & Williams, B. (2016). Peer-assisted learning: time for nomenclature clarification. Medical education online, 21(1), [abstract] McKenna, L., & French, J. (2011). A step ahead: Teaching undergraduate students to be peer teachers. Nurse Education in Practice, 11(2), [abstract] Nursing Education Network. (2019). Peer assisted learning (PAL). Topping KJ. The effectiveness of peer tutoring in further and higher education: A typology and review of the literature. Higher Ed 1996; 32: 321–345. [view pages 1-25] Ten Cate, O., & Durning, S. (2007). Peer teaching in medical education: twelve reasons to move from theory to practice. Medical teacher, 29(6), Visit Nursing Education Network blog for more nursing and healthcare education theory.

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