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White Light - Dispersion

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Presentation on theme: "White Light - Dispersion"— Presentation transcript:

1 White Light - Dispersion
The separation of white light into it’s different colors!!!!

2 Electromagnetic Spectrum

3 Continuous Spectrum

4 Gases and Spectra

5 Discrete Emission Spectrum

6 A quick review of the atom model
Democritus: “Atom” = indivisable particle JJ Thomson: (~1827) Plumb pudding model Rutherford: (~1909) + nucleus – gold foil experiment Bohr : Spectral lines imply E levels of e- s

7 More Bohr ing material 0 n = ∞ .85 n = 4 1.5 n = 3 E ev 3.4 n = 2
E of level = / n2 ( for hydrogen atoms) When e- drop down E level they release difference of E ass. with those E levels n2  n1 = 13.6 – 3.4 = 10.2 ev of E given off E release is specific ammt. = quantized = packet of E = particle!

8 So then: From n =4, how many possible discrete Energy transitions might an involved with an electron ending up at n = 1??????

9 Did you say 6???? Then take a bow son!
*** I would know how to do this if I were you eh!

10 Hydrogen Spectra

11 How can we calculate the wavelength of the E released?
With this handy equation that takes into consideration the Energy transitions. (for hydrogen atoms) 1 / λ = R ( 1 / nf / no2 ) R = Rydberg constant = x 10 7 m

12 Hey I have a great idea – why don’t you calculate the wavelength for a n = 3 to n = 2 transition (in a hydrogen atom).

13 Did you find λ = 6.56 x 10-7 m = 656 nm = red

14 What energy (in ev) is associated with this transition?

15 Did you calculate 1.9 ev Great!!!!




19 The last model we will discuss here is DeBroglie (~1924)
A particle needs to be moving to have a wavelength mc2 = E/photon = hf = h (c / λ) because f = c / λ h = Plank’s constant = x From mc2 = h (c / λ ) we get mc = h / λ Recall that mc = mv = p (momentum) Finally we can derive λ = h / mv

20 Demonstrations Color Vision Neon Lights Radio Waves

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