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Fig. 3 Spatial distribution of CHL and NO3 anomaly localized within the perimeter of ACEs during winter on the basis of the third principal component of.

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Presentation on theme: "Fig. 3 Spatial distribution of CHL and NO3 anomaly localized within the perimeter of ACEs during winter on the basis of the third principal component of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fig. 3 Spatial distribution of CHL and NO3 anomaly localized within the perimeter of ACEs during winter on the basis of the third principal component of their REOF decomposition (see Fig. 2). Spatial distribution of CHL and NO3 anomaly localized within the perimeter of ACEs during winter on the basis of the third principal component of their REOF decomposition (see Fig. 2). (A to D) The proportion of ACEs (%) with loadings less than −1 SD [(A) for CHL, (C) for NO3; that is, strong positive anomaly] and greater than 1 SD [(B) for CHL, (D) for NO3; that is, strong negative anomaly]. Values are computed over a 1° resolution grid, and noise is removed by applying a 5° running mean. Black contours denote where the maximum winter nutricline depth is 110-m deep. François Dufois et al. Sci Adv 2016;2:e Copyright © 2016, The Authors

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