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General characters of Trematoda

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2 General characters of Trematoda
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda General characters of Trematoda Prepared by: Nancy Osman Lecturer of Parasitology

3 General characters of Trematoda
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda General characters of Trematoda Trematodes are leaf like unsegmented flat worms .

4 General characters of Trematoda
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda General characters of Trematoda 2. They vary in size from the species just visible to the naked eye (Heterophyes Heterophyes ) to the large fluke (Facsiola Gigantica) .

5 General characters of Trematoda
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda General characters of Trematoda 3. Flukes are hermaphroditic except Shistosoma .

6 General characters of Trematoda
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda General characters of Trematoda 4. Presence of the oral sucker surrounding the mouth at the anterior end and the ventral sucker in the middle ventrally .

7 General characters of Trematoda
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda General characters of Trematoda 5. The body is covered by cuticle which often bears spines , papillae or tubercles .

8 General characters of Trematoda
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda General characters of Trematoda 6. They have no body cavity , circulatory or respiratory organs .

9 General characters of Trematoda
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda General characters of Trematoda 7. The excretory system consist of flame cells and collecting tubules which lead to median bladder opening posteriorly .

10 General characters of Trematoda
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda General characters of Trematoda 8. Nutrition is obtained from the tissues secretions or intestinal contents of host depending upon the habitate and species of the parasite .

11 O2 General characters of Trematoda
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda General characters of Trematoda 9. Respiration is largely anaerobic . O2

12 Phylum Platy Helminthes
Class Trematoda Life cycle Adult gives eggs when reach water they hatch and give miracidium that will swim in water searching for its suitable snail intermediate host and when it finds it , it will enter inside its soft tissues to be transformed into a sac called sporocyst that will be transformed into a cylindrical structure called redia (except in schistosoma) that give cercaria that leave the snail to the water to be encysted and called encysted metacercaria (except in schistosoma).

13 Phylum Platy Helminthes
Class Trematoda Life cycle Adult (Definitive host) Egg (Released) Metacercaria Miracidium Sporocyst Sexual rep. Asexual rep. Cercaria Redia Metamorphosis

14 Classification of flukes according to habitat
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda Classification of flukes according to habitat Liver flukes : Facsiola gigantica & F. hepatica . Intestinal flukes : Heterophyes heterophyes . Blood flukes : Schistosoma .

15 Phylum Platy Helminthes
Class Trematoda Stages of life cycle

16 Stages of life cycle Facsiola gigantica & F. hepatica
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda Stages of life cycle Facsiola gigantica & F. hepatica

17 Stages of life cycle Heterophyes heterophyes
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda Stages of life cycle Heterophyes heterophyes

18 Stages of life cycle Schistosoma couple
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda Stages of life cycle Schistosoma couple

19 Stages of life cycle Schistosoma haematobium
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda Stages of life cycle Schistosoma haematobium

20 Stages of life cycle Schistosoma mansoni
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda Stages of life cycle Schistosoma mansoni

21 Stages of life cycle Schistosoma japonicum
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda Stages of life cycle Schistosoma japonicum

22 Stages of life cycle Eggs
Phylum Platy Helminthes Class Trematoda Stages of life cycle Eggs

23 Phylum Platy Helminthes
Class Trematoda Stages of life cycle

24 Phylumplaty Heleminthes
Class Trematoda

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