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How strong was the special relationship under Thatcher’s government?

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1 How strong was the special relationship under Thatcher’s government?
In this lesson, we will: Assess the strength of the ‘Special Relationship’ under the Presidencies of Carter, Regan and Bush Sr. Starter: Identify each U.S. President, and which Prime Ministers they would be communicated with.

2 What was Thatcher’s role in the Cold War?
Critical of détente policies pursued by previous governments. Blamed this for the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. Openly condemned the invasion, and helped British athletes boycott the 1980 Moscow Olympics. Refused to support Carter’s economic sanctions of USSR. Responded warmly to Mikhail Gorbachev – declaring in 1988 “We’re not in a Cold War now, but rather in a new relationship much wider than the Cold War ever was”. Travelled to the USSR in 1984 to meet with Gorbachev.

3 Thatcher and Jimmy Carter
Thatcher and Carter had clear differences in their political ideology. Pledged to support Carter’s détente policy by ratifying SALT II in 1979. Supported Carter in his condemnation of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. However, did not fully support economic sanctions. Supporter Carter in calling for British athletes to boycott the 1980 Summer Olympics. Refused to freeze Iranian financial assets during Hostage Crisis.

4 Thatcher and Ronald Reagan
“Ideological soul-mates". Economic policies very similar (free market, low taxes, limited government, strong defence) In 1982, Thatcher and Reagan reached an agreement to replace the British Polaris fleet with a force equipped with US-supplied Trident missiles. Strained by Reagan's belated support in the Falklands War. In 1986 Washington asked permission to use British airbases in order to bomb Libya in retaliation for the 1986 West Berlin attack.

5 Learning Task One Read through this article on the key events of Thatcher and the ‘Special Relationship’. Create a line graph to show the strength of the special relationship between 1979 and 1990. Colour code to differentiate the presidencies of Carter, Reagan and Bush. Around each, explain the key events of each year that explain this strength.

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