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Click Here to Enter the Space Craft and Join a Mission in Progress

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Presentation on theme: "Click Here to Enter the Space Craft and Join a Mission in Progress"— Presentation transcript:

1 Click Here to Enter the Space Craft and Join a Mission in Progress
Space Decoder v.2 Click Here to Enter the Space Craft and Join a Mission in Progress

2 Trip Navigation Status: ON
Status: Engaged Active Targeting: On Radar: Active Location:W N24.234 Back Trip Navigation Status: ON Next On Board Computer: Current Flying Speed: 23.4 Tagets

3 Incoming Message from Central Intelligence Below:
FROM HIGH COMMAND Back Incoming Message from Central Intelligence Below: Next On Board Computer: Currently Calculating Incoming Message…

4 Incoming Tip from Central Intelligence Below:
INCOMING MESSAGE FROM HIGH COMMAND Back Incoming Tip from Central Intelligence Below: Next On Board Computer: Currently Calculating Incoming Transmission

5 Welcome Alliance Decoder
We are so grateful that you have agreed to help us. As you have heard, aliens have stolen our space ships. They are attempting to escape in them. We have not been able to stop them because we cannot identify them from the ships controlled by our forces. We know that you can help us identify the ships, and allow us to recapture them. On your display panel, you will see clues from our central intelligence agency. Help us identify the ships by clicking on them. I know with you on the job we will be safe. Thank you, and good luck. INCOMING MESSAGE FROM HIGH COMMAND When Ready – Click Next to Begin Next Long Range Scanners Indicate - Aircraft Approaching *Switching to Targeting Controls - Engaging Enemy*

Scanners Indicate You Missed that One Status: Engaged Active Targeting: On Radar: Active Location:W N24.234 Incoming Tip from Central Intelligence Below: WE KNOW YOU CAN DO IT, PLEASE CONCENTRATE AND TRY IT AGAIN. WE ARE SENDING YOU BACK IN. CLICK THE TRY AGAIN BUTTON TO CONTINUE. Try Again

7 Great Job! You Found Our Space Craft. Click Here to Keep Going.
Status: Engaged Active Targeting: On Radar: Active Location:W N24.234 Incoming Tip from Central Intelligence Below: What in the body protects and destroys foreign bodies and dead cells? A. Red blood cells B. Plasma C. Platelets D. White blood cells

8 Great Job! You Found Our Space Craft. Click Here to Keep Going.
Status: Engaged Active Targeting: On Radar: Active Location:W N24.234 Incoming Tip from Central Intelligence Below: What is the muscle we use for Frowning?. A. zygomaticus B. Buccinator C. Corrigator D. Anterior tibialis

9 Great Job! You Found Our Space Craft. Click Here to Keep Going.
Status: Engaged Active Targeting: On Radar: Active Location:W N24.234 Incoming Tip from Central Intelligence Below: Name the arteries that supply the toes A. Internal carotid B. Digital C. External carotid D. radial

10 Great Job! You Found Our Space Craft. Click Here to Keep Going.
Status: Engaged Active Targeting: On Radar: Active Location:W N24.234 Incoming Tip from Central Intelligence Below: What is the function of the stratum granulosum A. Cells get squashed and harden B. Produces new cells C. Cells shed to let new cells through D. Starts to harden and produce keratin

11 Great Job! You Found Our Space Craft. Click Here to Keep Going.
True False Status: Engaged Active Targeting: On Radar: Active Location:W N24.234 Incoming Tip from Central Intelligence Below: The Sphenoid is a bone in the head-

12 Great Job! You Found Our Space Craft. Click Here to Keep Going.
True False Status: Engaged Active Targeting: On Radar: Active Location:W N24.234 Incoming Tip from Central Intelligence Below: The sternum is a bone in the hand

13 Incoming Tip from Central Intelligence Below:
MISSION COMPLETE Incoming Tip from Central Intelligence Below: Thank You Alliance Decoder, we could not have defeated The Aliens without your help. The alliance is indebted to you for your knowledge and skill. Thanks once again for your help.

14 University of North Carolina Wilmington All rights reserved.
Authored by Jeff Ertzberger University of North Carolina Wilmington All rights reserved. All Clipart and Sounds Copyright Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Office Gallery Online – All Rights Reserved.  Some images have been modified from original version. This presentation may not be sold, or redistributed without written permission, and may only be used for non-profit educational use. Using and Distributing this Template You are free to use this template in non-profit educational settings. Be sure to check Jeff Ertzberger’s digital templates web site for even more template games and great resources.

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