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Some thoughts... On accessibility and usability:

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1 Some thoughts... On accessibility and usability:
Sentinel-2 Level-2A: HTTP and API Hub (2 max parallel downloads?) + Amazon’s S3 offering Landsat Collection 2: hosting setup? JAXA JERS/ALOS mosaics: HTTP access (sufficient for an annual product) How can these scale and serve new data architectures? COGs + STAC seem to be the leading paradigm – maybe a small group to look into these and advise regarding the PFS? CARD4L on the horizon: SLSTR LST - status? GA/DEA datasets: What are they? Public and open? Access options? ESA Heritage Missions What are they? Access options? On targets for further CARD4L self-assessments: Himawari & GOES – support GEO-LEO study? MODIS VIIRS Various independent S-2 SR products (see stocktake) Sentinel-1 backscatter? Status? HLS and Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel products?

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