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ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATIONS Advanced course Day 1 – third afternoon session Tools for assisting the use of classifications Zsófia Ercsey - KSH – Hungary.

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Presentation on theme: "ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATIONS Advanced course Day 1 – third afternoon session Tools for assisting the use of classifications Zsófia Ercsey - KSH – Hungary."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATIONS Advanced course Day 1 – third afternoon session Tools for assisting the use of classifications Zsófia Ercsey - KSH – Hungary Marie-Madeleine Fuger - INSEE – France Hans Van Hooff - CBS - Netherlands THE CONTRACTOR IS ACTING UNDER A FRAMEWORK CONTRACT CONCLUDED WITH THE COMMISSION

2 Tools for assisting the use of classifications
External users: Dissemination on internet Searching engine on internet Hungarian additional explanatory notes to NACE Rev.2 and CPA Ver.2.1 Information service Internal users: Dissemination on intranet Database of classification letters Classifications in meta-database EUROSTAT – RAMON: Trade described by products

3 Dissemination on internet
1st menu: Hungarian Central Statistical Office’ web-site: NACE Rev.2 = TEÁOR’08 CPA Ver.2.1 = TESZOR’15 Published documents: Short description of classification Structure Explanatory notes, list of changes every year Search engine Methodology Correspondence tables Legal bases (1893/2006 NACE regulation etc.) Old version (NACE Rev.1., CPA 2008) International version link to RAMON CPC (central classification) merely developped to enhance harmonization among various fields and related statistics and to strengthen the role of national accounts

4 Dissemination on internet (2)
2nd menu: Hungarian Central Statistical Office’ web-site: by subject or by alphabet Extra information: Versions of classifications (every year we update NACE/TEÁOR explanatory notes etc) Downloading in csv Printing For example: NACE Rev.2 (TEÁOR’08): nu_id=310&p_almenu_id=301&p_ot_id=300&p_level=2&p _session_id= &p_obj_id=0581;AG CPC (central classification) merely developped to enhance harmonization among various fields and related statistics and to strengthen the role of national accounts

5 Searching engine on internet
For NACE (TEÁOR), CPA (TESZOR), PRODCOM (ITO), CC (ÉJ) You can search by code or text 2017 new development: 2 combined criteria: text and code, or 2 different texts Searching in the explanatory notes All results (findings) are listed: code and name of NACE/TEÁOR category clicking on the result, you will see the explanatory notes of the class concerned

6 Hungarian additional explanatory notes
In the Hungarian versions of NACE Rev.2 and CPA Ver.2.1 Separate cell in database table for the Hungarian additional explanations: - Typical activities and products occurring in Hungary - Categories of activities regulated by the Hungarian law Aim is assisting the enterprises in the right use and interpretation of NACE, CPA See: internet (Hungarian version)

7 Information Service Hungarian enterprises are themselves responsible for classifying their activity into NACE If enterprise can not classify its activity into NACE, it may write a letter (request) to CSO Information Service Single channel communication with clients: Information Service In background classification experts support them Methodology department ca replies since 2008

8 Tools for internal users (within HCSO)
Dissemination on intranet For informing the colleagues Classifications are used in questionnaires, data processing and publications Intranet: uploaded classifications: the same files as on internet, but in several different formats: excel, word, pdf Versions of previous year (questionnaires may use previous version) See: Intranet

9 Database of classification letters
Like case laws You can search by text (activity description), code (NACE code), subject, client, registration number etc. Available within HCSO only Colleagues engaged in classification work Aim: consequent classifications of activities and products See Intranet

10 Classifications in meta-database
Nomenclatures are a separate object in meta-database (MDB) All nomenclatures are stored in MDB if they are used for data processing by any statistical domain Standard structure of database table for nomenclatures Standard rules for creating and update a nomenclature See: Intranet/IT application/Meta/Nomenclature

11 Services described by goods of CPA
History: 2011 EUROSTAT and Task Force prepared a document describing trade with the help of goods of CPA 2008 2012 Task Force prepared a similar document describing repair, maintenance, installation and rental services 2016 Revision according to the changes of CPA 2015 (CPA Ver.2.1)

12 Trade described by goods
Special correspondence table Aim: tool for classifying goods into appropriate trade CPA category Reason: there are no explanatory notes for trade in CPA Correspondence table between the produced goods and trade of goods (6 digit code number) Complete table sorted by code of good Separate tables for commission trade, whole trade, retail trade (sorted by code of service)

13 Trade described by goods (2)
Content: All goods that can be traded All goods can be sold to businesses (whole sale) some exceptions Not all the goods can be sold to the public, households or persons (retail sale). Task Force has selected the goods typically used or consumed by households, persons

14 Extension of correspondence table in 2012
Content of correspondence table (C.T.): All goods that can be traded, repaired, installed or rented Therefore goods not undergoing any of these operations are omitted The same CPA good can be used for several different purposes  so trade channels are different  breakdown at „Text extension” column

15 Characteristics and aim of C.T.
C.T. is not a complete correspondence table During its use in practice new lines can be added (inserted) C.T. is not a legal text, has no binding force This is a tool provided for EU statisticians for classification of services in a standard way in EU Common language in interpretation of NACE, CPA Help in fulfilling questionnaires using above mentioned categories of NACE, CPA (SBS, Business services producer prices etc.)

16 Searching in correspondence table
According to the code of good According to the code of service (trade, repair, installation or rental)

17 Searching in correspondence table (2)
According to the code of good: Chocolate: , PC: (portable), Stove, heater for gas fuel: Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated board or corrugated paperboard  purposes of uses: For industrial uses and other  different trade channels

18 Searching in correspondence table (3)
According to the code of service: What goods are covered by a trade CPA category? Retail trade (pdf): No retail trade (examples) From to Whole sale trade (pdf): No whole sale trade (examples) From to

19 Thank you for your attention!

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