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Outsourced CFO, Accounting and Bookkeeping

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1 Outsourced CFO, Accounting and Bookkeeping
for Healthcare Providers Professional. Proactive. Responsive.

2 About Denali Enterprise Level Financial Back Office Support
We help manage a healthcare provider’s financial operations so that they can focus on running the business Enterprise Level Financial Back Office Support CFO, accounting and bookkeeping functions designed especially for healthcare providers Financial and Administrative benchmarking Cash-flow planning and management Budgeting and tracking performance Reporting and management dashboards Process design and implementation Special projects helping clients grow their businesses SINCE 2003 More than 100 clients have benefited from our team’s expertise Supported Clients in over 20 Industries Successful entrepreneurs who have built and sold their own companies EXPERT TEAM OF finance PROFESSIONALS

3 Our Focus Helping clients manage their businesses more effectively

4 Our business model Provide enterprise level CFO and accounting support to healthcare providers at a reasonable price TEAM Breadth and depth of expertise PROCESSES Best practices systems and processes INFRASTRUCTURE Shared infrastructure cost savings CFO Strategy, aligning finances and business needs Controller Oversight of day to day operations and focus on cash flow, benchmarking and reporting Bookkeeper Manages transaction level activities, AP, AR, Payroll, etc. Analyst Provides insights based on data analytics, develops dashboards Project Manager Quarterbacks the team Comprehensive library of processes customized to meet specific needs of today’s healthcare providers Continuous improvement Compliance Training Quality control Software Cloud infrastructure Industry data subscriptions Project management Administrative support

5 Why our business model works
We spread investment and costs across multiple clients 10+ year relationship time horizon Ability to quickly scale up or down

6 Comprehensive support
Day-to-day CFO and Accounting Function Complete accounting and bookkeeping services AP and vendor management AR and customer management Month-end work Improve AR collections with proprietary approach Clear Financial Picture Custom reporting dashboards, updated with actuals on ongoing basis Custom reports for Board of Directors, Investors, and other stakeholders Designing and implementing cost controls and cost tracking processes Planning Developing custom cash-flow planning models to provide visibility for months ahead Custom budget development, updating and tracking against actuals Performance benchmarking and comparison to peers and industry "What-if" scenario development and modeling Systems and Processes Implementing custom best practices systems and processes for frictionless operation of finance and accounting function Staff training to support implementation Financial Crisis Management Workout plans with secured and unsecured creditors Cash collections and distribution management Financing support Transaction and transition support Due diligence support for sale or investment Financial models and projections Support business plan development Internal value calculations and “what-if” modeling

7 How we win Seeking a rating from each client, each quarter in areas of: Value they gained from our work Timeliness Accuracy/error free Ease of working with us Responsiveness No long term contract or commitments

8 Clients engage us when they experience….
Challenges with current situation Incomplete, delayed or irrelevant financial information Personnel not able to keep up with pace Staff turnover Practice Growth/Expansion Major events that transform the way company behaves New financing Ownership transition (succession, investment, sale/purchase) Financial distress

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