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Chapter 18 The Western Frontier.

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1 Chapter 18 The Western Frontier

2 Section 1, The Western Frontier
Lodes Mineral ore sandwiched between layers of rock underground Side note: Companies started to replace the individual miner Side note: Hewey Comstock sold his gold lode for $11,000. $300M was mined (silver too)

3 Video Clip Modern Marvels
Comstock Lode (7 min.)

4 Railroads! Railroads begin to connect the country. Transcontinental RR Plan to connect Atlantic to the Pacific Immigrants Irish and Chinese settlers (African American too) Side note: work conditions were horrible

5 Promontory Point Vid. About 7 minutes

6 Railroads continued Promontory Point Utah Territory. This is where the golden spike was driven into the railroad tie, connecting East and West

7 President Grant Vid. Clip
Ulysses S. Grant's Presidency (2:31) TV-PG General Ulysses S. Grant parlayed his celebrity after the Civil War into a successful bid for the presidency.

8 Transcontinental RR Transcontinental Railroad (3:27) TV-PG
Find out how the transcontinental railroad transformed America into one nation. End s.1

9 Section 2, Ranchers and Farmers
Cattle, Long drives, Texas Longhorns, 1000 miles, stampedes, hard work, and long days. Vaqueros Hispanic ranch hands from the Spanish SW. Ranching will replace the long drive. Vid. Clip (Vaqueros) 5 min.

10 And don’t forget the barbed wire!
Clip 2 min. Add in….Rodeo clowns/bullriding xlzcHUE&list=LPCERTWqQZIzg&index=1 Sports: Football vs. Bullriding (above 6 min)

11 barbed wire….


13 Farmers Homestead Act 1862 Free land, 160 acres, live on it for 5 years, sod houses! Side note: Dry farming, windmills to pump water, barbed wire was invented, steel plows helped!

14 Moving west had risks… The Donner Party (4:24) TV-PG
Western migration through uncharted regions strands a wagon train in the Sierra Mountains leaving little choice for survival. End s.2

15 Section 3, Native American Struggles
Indian Wars Many tribes refusing to move to reservations. Why? Battle of Little Big Horn Sioux led by Crazy River (Montana) Horse and Sitting Bull Side note: They crushed General Custer and his army of about 250.

16 Famous Native Americans
Sitting Bull Sitting Bull (2:54) TV-PG The tragic, yet true tale of Sitting Bull, the leader of the Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux tribe who led his people's resistance against the United States, sung by musician and artist Jeffrey Lewis.

17 The importance of the buffalo
The Buffalo and Native Americans (1:52) TV-PG The buffalo was an essential part of Native American life, used in everything from religious rituals to teepee construction.

18 The importance of the buffalo
American Buffalo (2:52) TV-PG The construction of the railroad led to the near-extinction of the buffalo, which had sustained native populations for centuries.

19 Wounded Knee, SD 300 Lakota Sioux were slaughtered
U.S. Government policies with Westward Expansion came at a high price for Indigenous tribes across the United States. The Last of the Sioux (3:48) TV-PG Resistant to government regulated reservations, the Sioux retreated into the Black Hills until a final massacre at Wounded Knee.

20 American Holocaust of Native American Indians - Compared to Jewish Holocaust by Nazi Hitler, Racism
About 9 minutes End section 3

21 Section 4 Farmers in Protest
Side notes: Problems with farming… prices for grain were too low Railroads charged farmers more to ship grain than manufactured goods Banks wanted to foreclose on farmers when crops failed They begin to organize out of frustration to improve conditions

22 Farmers organizing… The Grange offered farmers education, socialization, and general support Cooperatives place where farmers could buy and sell goods at a lower price Side note: The Grange had limited success.

23 Society is changing… Populist party pushed for many reforms
Side notes: Some began to take place in the early 1900s such as… 8 hour workday Abandoned the gold standard 40 hour work week Income tax begins Secret ballot at elections, and direct election of Senators End. C.18 notes

24 How are Native Americans treated now?

25 Link… Do any of these make you feel uncomfortable?

26 Another perspective…

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