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Summing up this morning’s discussion

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2 Summing up this morning’s discussion
Strengths Proud to be inclusive – doing our best for every child- great examples of happy children- voices of our young people- respect and recognition Amazing turn out at the Summit Highly valued specialist provision especially by parents and young people who attend Growth in role and numbers in parent carer forum- role of open events and social media Learning about diversity- follows all the children into adult life Children taking part – access to a range of community groups and activities Good people working far and beyond

3 Issues Hearing same feedback now as previously- parents don’t feel listened to- have to change something This is about education, health and care, not just education Education picture has changed- working together needs to happen quickly Disincentives to include means more pressure on system Real and rising costs of doing a good job for the children and young people Greatly increased preference for special schools Joint working to get down to EHCP level in statistical neighbours- long term goal High SEN Support as well as high EHCPs- hare and hounds analogy HN funds now more children for longer and more parent dissatisfaction seen in Tribunal Rising demand/numbers, static amount funding and staff, money can’t be spent twice/ evidence base for SEN funding use, estimate £1.5 billion shortfall every year- the cost of not working together Fallout into AP- availability of support and impact of local social issues on SEND Support services- people great, capacity a concern Lack of capacity in SEND assessment team- communications and stability- not joined up with schools, backlog of annual reviews and visibility, ceasing plans- successful P4A Quality and commitment to success at post 16/post 19 Recruitment and staff well being

4 Tipping Point – Trends in spend on SEND- fetters on the local options
35% increase in number EHCPs Rising unit costs Weight given to parental preference Gap between HN funding and expenditure- masked by transferred funding- significant and increasing deficit- average £3.4 million Policy decisions that de-incentivised inclusion Expenditure tied in not available for short term release Lack of financial headroom and capital constraints mitigate options for investment

5 Priorities Doing differently together
Understanding the financial system to be able to use it as well as we can- deficit plan The importance of evidence and research to make interventions more successful e.g. poor impact of indirect SALT Focus on outcomes- the benefit or difference made by a provision Invest in prevention of needs escalating- get in earlier Review use of the most important resources- the best teaching, parent engagement, the golden rules of intervention The importance of working together, including with parents Understanding what parents hopes to gain from Tribunal Anticipating and addressing needs- no cost/low cost e.g. bus stop conversations and plus 1 method, silent corridors, quiet spaces at lunchtime, friendships Maintain and grow our ability to meet needs locally- role of information from settings –biggest part of SEN profile =autism and SEMH (sanctions with purpose) Mental health for our young people

6 An agenda of working together with mainstream schools
Strong approach to inclusion and accountability Early intervention and prevention of needs escalating Shared understanding of funding issues with parents and schools Different types of flexible provision including capacity and ingenuity of special schools/provision Developing new post 16 pathways to independence Building confidence in parents and young people in the local offer Spare and judicious use of INMSS Working with partners across the system

7 Ofsted SEND WSoA February 2019
“The local area’s evaluation of its own performance identified correctly the significant weaknesses that need to improve. Until recently, the area has been too slow to make the changes necessary to improve the outcomes for children and young people with SEND” Children, Families and Community Health

8 http://children. mycaremysupport. co


10 WSOA- 8 priorities for action
Well established coproduction ensures lives are improved Governance is effective; improving outcomes and ensuring safety Effective designated medical/clinical officer DCO/DMO Consistent good quality EHCPS including health and care contributions Significant and continued concerns raised by parents and Young people (assessment, communication, quality of provision) addressed through coproduction and joint commissioning Quick, flexible service response to meet needs especially ASD, ADHD, MH Positive trend benchmarked to national level for persistent absence and FTE especially at secondary Up to date Local Offer that effectively signposts to quality provision

11 SEND Team telephone helpline 01793 464641 11-2 Mon/Wed
Coming in July SEND Team telephone helpline Mon/Wed Topics Local Offer website Guidance over role & function Focus on systems and processes

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