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Vocabulary Section #6.

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1 Vocabulary Section #6

2 Gloat V To look at or think about with great satisfaction Syn:
Ant: Syn: Relish; boast Sympathize; commiserate Athletes typically get penalized for gloating their accomplishments. I felt I had to gloat about my victory since I very rarely win the game.

3 Bestial adj Savage; brutal
Syn: Brutish; vile; cruel Ant: Humane; kind The bestial creature tore through town leaving a path of destruction. Jack took a bestial delight in tormenting the littluns.

4 Shard N A fragment Particle, remnant Total
Syn: Particle, remnant Ant: Total Shards of broken taillights littered the highway after the bestial car accident. The doctor pulled a shard of glass from the girl’s arm

5 Bland adj Mild; tasteless; dull Boring Exciting; thrilling
Syn: Boring Ant: Exciting; thrilling You could tell when dad was feeling effete because his meals always tasted bland when he was tired. The colors of the painting were very bland and lacked any interest.

6 Labyrinth N A complicated network of winding passages; a maze
Syn: Complication; puzzle Ant: Clarity; method Andrew could not get through the labyrinth within the time limit; it was too difficult for him to figure out. The purpose of the labyrinth was to get the mouse to the cheese in the shortest amount of time.

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