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The change we aim to bring about How change will be broadly achieved

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2 The change we aim to bring about How change will be broadly achieved
Mission Vision For effective vocational mental health support to be freely available to all in need. Nurture, inspire and enable mental wellbeing in as many Why we exist people as we can support, in an organic growing setting A. To develop the emotional resilience of people experiencing mental distress B. To support these people to be healthier and more active C. To develop these people’s life skills D. To be recognised as a place where mental health support is nurtured and celebrated Objectives Social The change we aim to bring about To be widely recognised as an effective and efficient mental health provider To provide mental health support to enable people to lead a healthy lifestyle Goals How change will be broadly achieved To deliver high quality accessible training to support recovery and progression To provide meaningful vocational activities in an organic horticulture business enterprise An efficient, commercially optimised organic site A financial strategy that enables our mission Communication that integrates us in our local communities Great innovation, leadership, governance and delivery What skills, values, resources and infrastructure are required . Enablers

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