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Religious Education Through our RE lessons we will be answering; Maths

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1 Religious Education Through our RE lessons we will be answering; Maths
English We will start the term by using ‘The Boy in the Tower’ to key grammar requirements of Y6 and have opportunity to apply them within short and longer written pieces both fiction and non-fiction. We will then use the book ‘A word in Your Ear’ to explore ghost stories. The final piece will allow children to write a story that has expanded detail and which changes in pace. Religious Education Through our RE lessons we will be answering; Who did Jesus say ‘I AM’? Maths This half term the children will develop skills in the following: Decimals – place value, multiplying and dividing with decimals. Percentages – fraction, decimals and percentage equivalence and how to find a percentage of an amount. Year 6 Spring Term 1 Topic: World War II Big Question: How did was take over the world? Wow Start: Trip to Private Peaceful Fantastic finish: World War II Day Daily Mile The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children. Children are physically active (run, jog or walk) for 10 mins a day. Topic How did war take over the world? In this unit, the children will be discovering who was involved in the war, why it continued so long and what life was like in Britain at that time. STEM Science: Children will learn to represent circuits using symbols in a diagram. They will learn about two of the most important scientific inventors in the field of electricity – Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla. Computing Technology: How do humans create computer games? Pupils learn to use variables in more complex ways, and to manipulate inputs to create useful outputs. P.E Year 6 will be having two P.E lessons: in one they will be developing their indoor PE skills. We will be continuing to develop their skills through Real PE and implementing these into gym and dance. Character Curriculum This term we will be exploring the virtues of cleanliness, fairness, friendliness, patience and respect.

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