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Genitourinary Instrumentation

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1 Genitourinary Instrumentation
Review the following: 1. ST for the ST Textbook pp 2. Rutherford Instrument textbook Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Note: If we have these items in lab you need to know them! Know cystoscope components: Missing from below is the bridge (triagular piece for irrigation and other items such as guidewires) pictured on page 57 with cystoscopy system bottom of that picture

2 Know Resectoscope components:
Frey 820 Resectoscope cutting loops (come in various shapes and sizes depending on use and are disposable)

3 Resectoscope Loop Disposable Various tip types obturator Resectoscope sheath cystoscope Post-resectoscope sheath Iglesias Working Element

4 GYN GU The Resectoscope Surgical uses include:
Endometrial bleeding, polypectomy, intrauterine adhesions & GU transurethral prostatectomy (TURP)

5 Barret-Allen uterine aka fork and spoon forceps

6 Hulka manipulator or….

7 Micro Vas clips

8 Ripstien forceps

9 Simms retractor (this one is double ended)


11 Instruments found on a D & C Tray “Dilation and Currettage”

12 Cutting instrument for scraping Endometrial or endocervical lining
Not pictured: A dull currette called the Thomas Sims are sharp Heaney UTERINE CURRETTES Cutting instrument for scraping Endometrial or endocervical lining

13 Uterine Dilators Align on Back table smallest to largest
Pratt dilator Tip: Note flattened center section and think “flat Pratt” Hegar dilator Tip: Note is rounded like a cigar and think “hegar-cigar” Another uterine dilator not pictured is the Hanks dilator The Hanks have rings on either end See this on page 41 of your instrument book

14 Single ended and double ended
GYN SPECULA Graves speculum Auvard speculum Sims specula Single ended and double ended

15 Auvard with large glove on handle to catch blood
Placed in vagina and left to hang inferiorly During vaginal access procedures such as vaginal hysterectomies

16 For grasping polyps or stones See in gallbladder, GU, GYN surgeries
RANDALL STONE FORCEPS For grasping polyps or stones See in gallbladder, GU, GYN surgeries BRAUN SINGLE TOOTH TENACULUM For grasping the cervix UTERINE SOUND Measures uterine depth Prior to instrument insertion such as a scope to prevent perforation of uterus

17 Straight and curved sponge stick Note no ratchets and are huge
Note ratchets on both Placenta forceps Note no ratchets and are huge

18 Bozeman uterine packing forceps
Note jaw serrations are short and like a dressing forceps

19 Jaws are cross-hatched ## for ultimate gripping of suture needle
Tips are curved May see used in other surgical specialties

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