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What is a BME? By: Ms. Richardson.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a BME? By: Ms. Richardson."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is a BME? By: Ms. Richardson

2 Summary it is a short oral or written statement on what the story is about. The main idea is very helpful when writing a summary! Think ~ BME! Who are the characters/(Person) / Subject (Who /What)? What is the setting? (When and Where?) State the problem(s). Beginning Introduce additional Characters / Settings. How is the problem solved. (list or more tries). Middle How was the problem actually solved? Restate the main idea. End Anita

3 Main Idea what the story is mostly about!
Tells what the paragraph is mostly about. Topic Sentence List clues that help you identify the main idea. Help to support your main idea. Helps to understand concepts of the main idea. Supporting Detail Proves or clarifies your main idea. Is sometimes restated at the end of a paragraph or story. Anita

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