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Aggressors Invade Unit 7, SSWH 17 f

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1 Aggressors Invade Unit 7, SSWH 17 f

2 Militarists Take Control of Japan
Want to solve economic problems through expansion •(invading) •1931, Japanese army seizes Manchuria • League of Nations protests action; Japan withdraws from League

3 Japan Invades China 1937, Japan launches war on China “Asia for the Asians”, trying to kick out foreigners

4 Mussolini Attacks Ethiopia
1935, Italy attacks Ethiopia Ethiopia’s leader, Halie Selassie, asks League for help •League of Nations does not stop aggression, gives Italy a fine.

5 Hitler Defies Versailles Treaty
•1935, Hitler rebuilds German army •1936, Germany occupies Rhineland • Britain urges appeasement, a policy of giving into aggression • Germany, Italy, and Japan = the Axis Powers (alliance)

6 Civil War Erupts in Spain
1936, General Francisco Franco leads rebellion •Hitler & Mussolini help Franco (sent weapons) •1939, Franco wins Civil War •Franco becomes Spain’s Fascist dictator

7 U.S.A. = Isolationist Policy
•Isolationism—avoidance of political ties with other countries •1935, Congress passes Neutrality Acts

8 German Reich (Empire) Expands
Hitler plans to expand Third Reich—German Empire •1938, Hitler annexes (adds) Austria • Hitler demands the Sudeten-land from Czechoslovakia • Czechs refuse, ask France for help

9 Brit. & France Choose Appeasement
Leaders meet at Munich Conf. to settle Czech crisis Britain & France agree to let Hitler take Sudetenland 1939, Hitler takes rest of Czechoslovakia •Mussolini takes Albania; Hitler demands part of Poland

10 Nazis & Soviets Sign Nonaggression Pact
1939, Stalin (soviet leader) & Hitler pledge never to attack one another (divide up Poland)

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