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Semiotic Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Semiotic Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semiotic Analysis

2 Learning Objectives Be able to understand media terminology.
Be able to analyse an image using denotation and connotation. You will also implement all the terminology you have learnt so far in the course. Learning Outcomes- Application of knowledge and understanding of media language is; Excellent Good Satisfactory Basic

3 Representation Denotation and connotation
Denotation-What you literally see. Connotation- The meaning of it.

4 Theories of Saussure



7 Iconography When referring to movies, genres are immediately recognizable through their iconography, motifs that become associated with a specific genre through repetition A perfume advert- we always see a beautiful woman. She is very feminine and often shows a lot of flesh.

8 You need to include denotation and connotation
Analyse the image Representation You need to include denotation and connotation Theories of Saussure Iconography

9 What should your response look like?
Denotation- Red typography Connotation- The red typography represents femininity, but it also reinforces the branding on the bottle. This reinforces iconography, as we then associate that colour with the brand.

10 Label your own work so far
Learning Outcomes- Application of knowledge and understanding of media language is; Excellent Good Satisfactory Basic

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