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Enrolled and randomized Per-protocol efficacy population

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1 Enrolled and randomized Per-protocol efficacy population
LL/L* n=1064 PSPS/PS* n=526 Reason for exclusion†, n (%) Did not receive second vaccination 99 (9.3) Received other live vaccine within 28 d of dose 18 (1.7) Received vaccine not as randomized 4 (0.4) Age <6 mo or >36 mo 3 (0.3) Followed <15 d post–dose 2 2 (0.2) Serious chronic disease 1 (0.1) Immunocompromised 1 (0.1) Received other influenza vaccine (0.1) Received systemic corticosteroids 1 (0.1) vaccination 104 (9.7) Received other live vaccine within 28 d of dose (2.0) randomized (0.8) Age <6 mo or >36 mo (0.2) vaccine 4 (0.4) Received immunoglobulin 1 (0.1) Received incorrect vaccine dose 1 (0.1) vaccination 60 (11.0) Received other live vaccine within 28 d of dose 10 (1.8) randomized 6 (1.1) vaccine 1 (0.2) Received immunoglobulin (0.2) Subjects withdrawn, n (%) 41 (3.9) Parent/guardian request 22 (2.1) Lost to follow-up (1.5) Death (0.2) Other (0.1) Completed n=1023 (96.1%) n=1033 (96.8%) n=517 (95.2%) n=515 (97.9%) Per-protocol efficacy population n=944 (88.7%) n=935 (87.6%) n=468 (86.2%) n=474 (90.1%) Subjects withdrawn, n (%) 34 (3.2) Parent/guardian request (2.1) Lost to follow-up (0.9) Investigator decision (0.2) Subjects withdrawn, n (%) 26 (4.8) Parent/guardian request 15 (2.8) Lost to follow-up 8 (1.5) Investigator decision 2 (0.4) Other 1 (0.2) Subjects withdrawn, n (%) 11 (2.1) Parent/guardian request (1.9) Lost to follow-up 1 (0.2) LPS/L* n=1067 PEPE/PS* n=543 vaccination 42 (8.0) within 28 d of dose 10 (1.9) randomized 1 (0.2) Age <6 mo or >36 mo 1 (0.2) vaccine 2 (0.4) Received immunoglobulin (0.2) A n=735 n=732 n=365 n=370 Subjects withdrawn, n (%) 5 (0.7) Parent/guardian request 3 (0.4) Lost to follow-up 1 (0.1) Other 1 (0.1) n=730 (99.3%) n=721 (98.5%) n=358 (98.1%) n=367 (99.2%) n=338 (46.0%) n=684 (93.4%) n=0 (0%) n=342 (92.4%) Subjects withdrawn, n (%) (1.5) Parent/guardian request 4 (0.5) Lost to follow-up 3 (0.4) Other 3 (0.4) Investigator decision 1 (0.1) Subjects withdrawn, n (%) 7 (1.9) Lost to follow-up 2 (0.5) Protocol violation 2 (0.5) Other 2 (0.5) Adverse experience 1 (0.3) Subjects withdrawn, n (%) 3 (0.8) Lost to follow-up 2 (0.5) Death 1 (0.3) randomized 372 (50.6) Not in year 1 per-protocol population 30 (4.1) within 28 d of dose 23 (3.2) population 32 (4.4) Received other live vaccine within 28 d of dose 16 (2.1) randomized 3 (0.4) Followed up for <15 d postdose 1 (0.1) randomized (100.0) population (6.0) Received other live vaccine within 28 d of dose (3.0) vaccine (0.5) randomized 4 (1.1) population (4.6) Received other live vaccine within 28 d of dose (3.2) B Figure 2. A, Year 1 subject disposition, per-protocol population. B, Year 2 subject disposition, per-protocol population. L=live attenuated influenza vaccine; PE=excipient placebo; P=any placebo; PS=saline placebo. *Vaccination regimen shown as year 1 dose 1 dose 2/year 2 dose. †Subjects could be excluded for more than 1 reason.

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