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Lesson 3 God created us in his image and likeness

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1 Lesson 3 God created us in his image and likeness
Grade 6: Chapter 2 Lesson 3 God created us in his image and likeness

2 Grade 6 – Chapter 2 What do you know about the story of Creation (Genesis)?

3 Grade 6 – Chapter 2 Concept: How is the 2nd creation story similar to and different from the 1st story?

4 Grade 6 – Chapter 2 1st Creation Story 2nd Creation Story God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day. God spoke and everything was created. God saw that everything he created was good. Scientists have made discoveries that challenge the creations stories, but they can’t answer the questions: who created the universe and why was it created. The second God restricts Adam and Eve to a plot of land, forbids them from accessing true knowledge, and then exiles and brings torment to humans’ lives for Adam and Eve’s disobedience.

5 Grade 6 – Chapter 2 We learn from creation how God is the one true God, different from false Gods. Four of God’s attributes or qualities are: God is eternal God is all-powerful God is all-knowing God is ever-present On your iPad, explain what each attribute means.

6 Grade 6 – Chapter 2 Because we are made in God’s image and likeness, he created us with special gifts. Human Dignity – the value and worth that comes from being made in God’s image and likeness. Free will – the freedom and ability to choose. Conscience – the ability to know the difference between good and evil, and right from wrong.

7 Grade 6 – Chapter 2 Grace is God’s very life. It is a gift that helps us act in a God-like way. The soul is the spiritual part of a person.

8 Grade 6 – Chapter 2 Exit Ticket – What is a covenant?
What do we call the ability to choose? List 2 attributes of God. Define human dignity.

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