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Chapter 04 Firm Production, Cost, and Revenue

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1 Chapter 04 Firm Production, Cost, and Revenue

2 Chapter Outline Production Costs Revenue Maximizing Profit

3 Basic Definitions Profit: The money that business makes: Revenue minus Cost Cost: the expense that must be incurred in order to produce goods for sale Revenue: the money that comes into the firm from the sale of their goods

4 Economic vs. Accounting Cost
Economic Cost: All costs, both those that must be paid as well as those incurred in the form of forgone opportunities, of a business Accounting Cost: Only those costs that must be explicitly paid by the owner of a business

5 Production Production Function: a graph which shows how many resources we need to produce various amounts of output Cost Function: a graph which shows how much various amounts of production cost

6 Inputs to Production Fixed Inputs: resources that you cannot change
Variable Inputs: resources that can be easily changed

7 Concepts in Production
Division of Labor: workers divide up the tasks in such a way that each can build up a momentum and not have to switch jobs Diminishing Returns: the notion that there exists a point where the addition of resources increases production but does so at a decreasing rate

8 Figure 1 The Production Function
Output Workers D Production Function C B A

9 A Numerical Example Labor Total Output Extra Output of the Group 1 100
1 100 2 317 217 3 500 183 4 610 110 5 700 90 6 770 70 7 830 60 8 870 40 9 900 30 13 1000

10 Costs Fixed Costs: costs of production that we cannot change
Variable Costs: costs of production that we can change

11 Figure 2 The Total Cost Function
Output Total Cost Total Cost Function D C B A

12 Cost Concepts Marginal Cost: the addition to cost associated with one additional unit of output Average Total Cost: Total Cost/Output, the cost per unit of production Average Variable Cost: Total Variable Cost/Output, the average variable cost per unit of production Average Fixed Cost: Total Fixed Cost/Output, the average fixed cost per unit of production

13 Figure 3 Marginal Cost, Average Total, Average Variable, and Average Fixed Cost

14 Numerical Example Output TVC TFC TC MC* ATC AVC AFC 8500 100 2500
8500 100 2500 11000 25 110 85 200 3800 12300 13 62 19 43 300 4800 13300 10 44 16 28 400 6000 14500 12 36 15 21 500 7500 16000 32 17 600 9500 18000 20 30 14 700 12500 21000 18 800 17000 25500 45 10.6 900 22500 31000 55 34 9.4 1000 32500 41000 41 32.5 8.5 * MC is per 100

15 Revenue Marginal Revenue: additional revenue the firm receives from the sale of each unit

16 Figure 4 Setting the Price When There are Many Competitors
Market for Memory P D S Our Firm P P* P*=Marginal Revenue

17 Figure 5 Marginal Revenue When there are No Competitors
Market for Memory P D MR

18 Numerical Example For the Many Competitors Case
Q P TR MR* 45 100 4,500 200 9,000 300 13,500 400 18,000 500 22,500 600 27,000 700 31,500 800 36,000 900 40,500 1000 45,000 * MR is per 100

19 Numerical Example For the No Competitors Case
Q P TR MR* 75 100 70 7,000 200 65 13,000 60 300 18,000 50 400 55 22,000 40 500 25,000 30 600 45 27,000 20 700 28,000 10 800 35 900 -10 1000 25 -20

20 Maximizing Profit We assume that firms wish to maximize profits

21 Market Forms Perfect Competition: a situation in a market where there are many firms producing the same good Monopoly: a situation in a market where there is only one firm producing the good

22 Rules of Production A firm should unless
a) produce an amount such that Marginal Revenue equals Marginal Cost (MR=MC), unless b) the price is less than the average variable cost (P<AVC).

23 Numerical Example of Profit Maximization With Many Competitors
Q P TR TC MR MC Profit 45 8,500 -8,500 100 4,500 11,000 25 -6,500 200 9,000 12,300 13 -3,300 300 13,500 13,300 10 400 18,000 14,500 12 3,500 500 22,500 16,000 15 6,500 600 27,000 20 700 31,500 21,000 30 10,500 800 36,000 25,500 900 40,500 31,000 55 9,500 1000 45,000 41,000 75 4,000

24 Numerical Example of Profit Maximization With No Competitors
Q P TR TC MR MC Profit 75 8,500 -8,500 100 70 7,000 11,000 25 -6,500 200 65 13,000 12,300 60 13 -3,300 300 18,000 13,300 50 10 400 55 22,000 14,500 40 12 3,500 500 25,000 16,000 30 15 6,500 600 45 27,000 20 9,000 700 28,000 21,000 800 35 25,500 2,500 900 31,000 -10 -4,000 1000 41,000 -20 -16,000

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