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Every day 27,000 children die from preventable causes…

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2 Every day 27,000 children die from preventable causes…

3 Do you agree? Suffering and death from lack of food, shelter, and health care are bad. If it is in your power to prevent something bad from happening, without sacrificing anything nearly as important, it is wrong not to do so. You can prevent suffering from lack of food, shelter, and medical care, without sacrificing anything nearly as important.

4 Why don’t we respond? The identifiable victim Parochialism Futility
The diffusion of responsibility Sense of fairness Money

5 Peter Singer Our current response to global poverty is insufficient and ethically indefensible How can we live an ethical life? Drowning child?

6 What can we do?

7 What do we know? In all low income countries in the world how many girls finish primary school? A) 20% B) 40% C) 60%

8 In the last 20 years the proportion of the world population living in extreme poverty has…
A) almost doubled B) remained more or less the same C) almost halved

9 What is life expectancy in the world today?
A) 50 years B) 60 years C) 70 years

10 How many of the world’s 1-year old children today have been vaccinated against some disease?

11 Climate experts believe that over the next 100 years the average temperature will…
A) get warmer B) remain the same C) get colder



14 What is‘global health’?

15 “an area for study, research, and practice that places a priority on improving health and achieving health equity for all people worldwide”

16 Health is a basic human right
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 25: everyone has a right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well being of themselves and their family, including medical care, social services and security in the event of sickness, disability or old age UN Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Article 12: everyone’s right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health

17 Changing demographics
Global population growth, 1950–2050 Developing countries Developed countries Health Financing Revisited: A Practioner’s Guide. P Gottret, G Schieber, World Bank, 2006

18 Changing demographics
Population pyramids: Sierra Leone and Denmark

19 Changing demographics
Denmark Sierra Leone Age distribution of death in Sierra Leone and Denmark, 2005 Health Financing Revisited: A Practioner’s Guide. P Gottret, G Schieber, World Bank, 2006



22 Development as freedom Amartya Sen
“Development is about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value” Choice requires: life and health knowledge access to economic resources


24 Millennium Development Goals

25 Sustainable development
Development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Brundtland 1987




29 What can we do?


31 Martin Luther King ‘As long as there is poverty in the world I can never be rich, even if I have a billion dollars. As long as diseases are rampant and millions of people in this world cannot expect to live more than twenty-eight or thirty years, I can never be totally healthy even if I just got a good check up at the Mayo Clinic. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the way our world is made. No individual or nation can stand out boasting of being independent. We are interdependent.’

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