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How to tackle this question for growing YNPN chapters

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Presentation on theme: "How to tackle this question for growing YNPN chapters"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to tackle this question for growing YNPN chapters
“Are you my member?” How to tackle this question for growing YNPN chapters Sophie

2 What’s the point of this session?
Goal 1: Identify what it looks like to be a member-driven chapter in the YNPN sector Goal 2: What initiatives/ideas could your chapter implement to build a membership-driven culture Sophie -

3 Agenda Background Our challenges What is your vision? Our vision
What we’ve tried Workshop Time Q&A Sophie

4 Background Sophie McMillian* Vice-Chair, YNPN Triangle NC
Sophie introduce; Katie introduce Sophie McMillian* Vice-Chair, YNPN Triangle NC Former: Membership Relations Chair Katie Todd* Chair, YNPN Triangle NC Former: Secretary, Events Chair *Willing to fail and try anything to succeed when it comes to building a membership-driven culture

5 A Brief History: YNPN Triangle NC
Founded in 2010 Membership size = 200 Focused on networking socials, listserv And then we grew… Membership size = 1300+ First conference = 100+ attendees Built stronger organizational framework Developed first strategic plan (2015) Katie

6 Sophie Our Challenges

7 Challenge #1 What does it mean to be a member of YNPN Triangle NC?
Sophie - continuously answering this question, especially since we do not have a paid membership strategy

8 Challenge #2 How are we communicating with our members so they actually understand they are members of YNPN Triangle NC? Katie

9 Challenge #3 Are we matching our program offerings with what our members actually want and/or need? Survey, survey, survey!

10 Challenge #4 How do we cater to the Triangle region? Katie

11 Challenge #5 Does our membership have a voice on our board?
It’s a TRAP! Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you are the voice

12 Your turn: what is your vision?
Think – Share Think (and note): 3 minutes What does a membership-driven YNPN chapter look like to you? Do you have examples from your own chapter? What would you hope to see? Focus on the senses: what would it look like, sound like, feel like, etc. Katie to introduce

13 Think-Share Share out:
What is your vision for a membership-driven culture? Do you have examples? Don’t get into the weeds (focus on what it looks like – we’ll get into the HOW later on) Sophie will facilitate the sharing!

14 Our Vision A membership-driven culture looks like:
Responsive, inclusive, engaging Members entering leadership positions in nonprofit sector Sense of empowerment Increased skills, abilities Employment Improving our communities, shifting larger culture Sophie - overview and introduction to our initiatives to achieve our vision - we bucketed these vision pieces in the following slides

15 YNPN Triangle NC Initiatives
Data Creating a Membership Relations role/committee More frequent data-collection Communications New member initiative Re-tooling current communications Sophie: data; Katie: communications

16 YNPN Triangle NC Initiatives
Engagement Hosting first conference #ResolveToGrow campaign Empowerment Creating more opportunities for members to develop leadership skills, board experience Targeted recruitment, increase diversity, reduce barriers Sophie: engagement; Katie: empowerment

17 A-Ha Moments Is there anything that you heard during presentation that you want your chapter to try? Other questions? Katie to ask the A-Ha Moment prompt. Sophie to facilitate Q&A portion

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