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South Shasta Healthy Eating, Active Communities

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Presentation on theme: "South Shasta Healthy Eating, Active Communities"— Presentation transcript:

1 South Shasta Healthy Eating, Active Communities
Using participatory assessment and youth leadership to change physical activity & nutrition environments

2 Session Objectives: Identify participatory assessment strategies.
Discuss the potential for participatory assessment to engage multiple sectors. 3. Discuss the advantages and challenges of cross-sector strategies.

3 Participatory Assessment Strategies
Trail Mapping Walkability Assessments Youth Led Action Research PhotoVoice Community Asset Mapping

4 Participatory Assessment The (obvious) first challenge: Getting Participants!
Capture the kids and their parents will follow (sometimes.) Incentives, stipends, competition, recognition, food Technology: computers, cameras, GIS Multiple levels engagement

5 Strategy: Trail Mapping Cross-Sector Engagement
City Planning Sharing aerial photos, existing maps, software… Public Health Assessment training & TA, community meetings, graphics, contract for incorporating new data into City maps

6 Trail Mapping Cross-Sector Engagement: Schools, Youth
Education: School credit, class time, GIS equipment, supervision Youth: Manpower, energy, insights: formal and informal routes

7 Trail Mapping Cross-Sector Engagement: Community Input
Pre-project input: Where do you walk? Where could you walk? Where would you walk? What’s stopping you? Points of interest… Feedback on draft maps: Did we get it? Is it useful? Did we make mistakes?

8 Trail Mapping Results – and one more sector
2 points-of-interest maps, 3 neighborhoods, 2 parks – total of 11 routes, plus health tips and message from the Mayor Distributed to medical providers with Physical Activity prescription pads.

9 Trail Mapping The Long-Term Wins
New General Plan elements: New development to include trails & connectivity to existing walking routes Walkability/mixed use emphasis in downtown Expanded relationships among partners: Public Health employee (and Anderson resident) named to Planning Commission City invites Public Health, youth input into design standards for new mixed use area

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