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Giulia Bonaminio, PhD November 29, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Giulia Bonaminio, PhD November 29, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Giulia Bonaminio, PhD November 29, 2018
Academy of Medical Educators (AME) Mentored Medical Education Grant Medical Alumni Innovative Teaching Fund (MAITF) Technical Assistance Workshop Giulia Bonaminio, PhD November 29, 2018

2 AME Mentored Medical Education Grant
KUSOM Academy of Medical Educators PI needs AME member as mentor Medical student education $30,000 total, up to $15,000/proposal

3 Medical Alumni Innovative Teaching Fund (MAITF)
KU Medical Alumni Association Medical student education in KC, S, W $875,000 105 subs, 63 awards,152 PIs and Co-PIs >8000 medical student experiences

4 Deadlines and Timelines
Due Notification Funding cycle: April 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020

5 Help your reviewer help you (make them your advocates)
Easy to read, support Appeals to values Understandable to those outside your discipline

6 Background: “Framing” the Project
Reviewer only knows what you tell them plus their perceptions/biases. Establish significance of the problem AND potential for impact. Clearly describe current curricular content. Focus on the “gap” in current courses: push synergy, investment opportunity Use evidence and numbers

7 Background: Establishing Credibility
Describe who you are and what you do Your team, resources and infrastructure Understanding of current programs/systems MASTERY of topic Collaboration and support from others Make reviewer trust you to do the job

8 Literature Review Describe the state of the art Be concise and focused
Be analytical & critical Show how you are building on others’ work Establish your credibility Demonstrate necessity by stressing application and refinement of programs

9 Aims – big picture purpose of project
Objectives – specific steps to achieve aims

10 Objectives: SMART Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-framed

11 Good Verbs BAD VERBS (not measureable) Understand Learn Appreciate
Define, describe, identify, list (acquire/use information) Compare, explain, interpret, review, discuss (comprehension) Apply, report, use (application) Analyze, infer, differentiate (analysis) Propose, plan, manage, organize (synthesis) Assess, recommend, rank, rate (evaluation) BAD VERBS (not measureable) Understand Learn Appreciate Believe Know

12 Methods Clearly explain “how” project works
Should be able to replicate project from Methods Anticipate & address concerns BUILD credibility

13 Methods Concordant with aims, objectives, evaluation
Feasible, efficient Core information for project Curricular Setting: foundational sciences, clinical Duration Location (eg classroom, clinic, sim/SP lab) Format (eg SP interaction, seminar, web module) Support of key personnel

14 Methods How was content developed? Why was delivery method selected?
Describe both the “what” and “how” How was content developed? Why was delivery method selected? How does it all fit together? Timeline (chart or table) How is it monitored and evaluated? Consider a pilot with evaluation

15 Methods: Learner Considerations
Minimize learner risk Consider needs of controls (if used) Any special considerations for subgroups (campuses?) Impact on other curricular components IRB/Human subjects

16 Measurement Tools Validated instruments when possible
Match evaluation to needs assessment If new evaluation process - document similarities/differences from current - how it will be integrated with other measures - plans to sustain if successful

17 Educational “Gold Standards”, Comparison Data & Measurement Tools
KUSOM data eg: course evaluations, reports, surveys, student performance (OME – Tony Paolo) Education literature Regulatory & national groups

18 Data Security Keep separate, password protected files
KUSOM educational evaluations already secure Qualitative data: de-identify learner comments and edit before reporting

19 Outcomes Must match objectives Anticipated pre-post improvement in:

20 Evaluation & Statistical Analysis
Quantitative Qualitative Pre-post performance data Comparisons: historical, controls

21 Project Continuation Integrated into larger initiative
Specific commitment to continuation Collaboration with other schools or programs to leverage continuation

22 Plan for Dissemination
Meetings/Conferences On-line Print/electronic

23 Project Impact Describe how this project can
Extend/enrich existing programs Stimulate new projects Enhance collaboration Stress the proposal as a change agent

24 Format Cover Sheet Evaluation and Outcomes Proj Summary/ Abstract
Budget Narrative Background/ Lit Review Budget Worksheet Feasability and Scalability Relevance to UME Methodology References

25 Review Criteria Educational merit (rationale, literature review)
Methodology Evaluation Potential for development/dissemination Budget Overall quality and feasibility

26 Application Review AME AME Scholarship & Research Committee members
MAITF ACE educational administration and faculty members

27 Awardee Responsibilities
Address any changes requested by the reviewers Mid- and End-of-year progress reports Poster at KUSOM Annual Medical Education Retreat (June 2019) AME mentor required for AME grant; available for MAITF grant


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