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Why did peace collapse review

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Presentation on theme: "Why did peace collapse review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did peace collapse review

2 What was the Anschluss?

3 Answer: The reunification of Germany and Austria

4 Was the Anschluss with Austria a violation of the Treaty of Versailles

5 Answer: Yes it was specifically forbidden for Germany and Austria

6 What were Hitler's 3 Foreign policy goals

7 Answer: 1. Destroy Communism 2. Expand German territory 3
Answer: 1. Destroy Communism 2. Expand German territory 3. Abolish the treaty of versailies

8 What leader is most closely associated with communism during this time.

9 Answer: Joseph Stalin

10 Q: What was the Saar Plebisite

11 Answer: When the people of Saar region voted to return to being German citizens

12 Q: What is Giving aggressive countries concessions in order to avoid war an example of?

13 A: Appeasement

14 Q: Sudentenland region was a part of which country

15 A: Czechoslovakia

16 Q: What was Brittan and Frances reaction to Germany reoccupying the Reinland

17 A: They did nothing , the Germans were met with no conflict

18 Q: Who is most closely associated with fascism ?

19 A:Benito Mussolini

20 Q: Why did the British and French appease hitler?

21 A: Some British people approved of Hitler's policies.
The British people hoped that a strong Germany would stop the growth of Communist Russia. Many people felt that events in Europe were not Britain's business. Many British people wanted peace. Many British people agreed with Hitler that the Treaty of Versailles was unfair.

22 Q: Hitler had a desire to unite all German speakers into the _______

23 A: Reich

24 The Munich agreement ceded what to Germany?

25 The Sudentland region.

26 Q: Once receiving the The Sudentland region what was Germanys next move of expansion?

27 A: Taking over the rest of Czechoslovakia

28 Q: The desire to expand Germany was known as ___________

29 Lebensraum

30 Q: What was the importance of the Scramcup numonoic

31 A: It detailed the 8 steps that lead to war.

32 Q: As part of the Nazi-Soviet pact which country did they agree to split?

33 A: Poland

34 Q: How did Hitler go about destroying the treaty of Versailles?

35 A: Remilitarizing , Expanding his empire, Anschluss with Austria, Refusing to pay reparations, The Rhineland

36 Q: What is conscription

37 A: Drafting citizens into the military

38 What was

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