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Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

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1 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Annual General Meeting June 15th, 2019

2 Agenda Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
1. Welcome and Introductions – Minute of Silence 2. Approval of the agenda Approve previous meeting minutes Chairman’s Report Financial Report - Appointment of Auditor Board Reports Election of Directors Approval of actions of the Board Questions and other business Adjournment

3 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Current Board of Directors David Acheson (2016) Ian Andexser - Chairman (2016) Malcolm Campbell (2016) Fiona Macleod (Co-Opted Jul. 2018) David Morris (2016) Peter Sanguinetti (Co-Opted Jan.2019) Sheila Telford (2016)

4 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
One Minute of Silence

5 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
MOTIONS • Adoption of Agenda To approve the agenda • Adoption of June 2018 Minutes To approve the minutes of the previous meeting

6 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

7 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Membership Communication Canadian Government UK Government ICBP Advertising and Media Awareness

8 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

9 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

10 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

11 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

12 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

13 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
FINANCIAL REPORT David Acheson, Treasurer

14 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Audited Financial Statements A REVIEW OF THE YEAR

15 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Financial Statements Audited Financial statements include; • Auditors Report; • Financials (Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Operations, and Statement of Cash Flows • Notes to the Financial Statements.

16 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Auditors Report The Auditors used – Pennylegion Chung LLP • Audit opinion: “The financial statements present fairly, in all material respects the financial position of Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners as at December 31, 2018” “in accordance with Canadian Accounting Standards for not-for-profit organizations”

17 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Statement of Financial Position • Reports the financial position at a point in time • It explains: What we OWN – our ASSETS ($459,029) What we OWE – our LIABILITIES ($64,427) The Difference is our EQUITY or “NET ASSETS” ASSETS – LIABILITIES = NET ASSETS ($394,602)

18 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Statement of Changes in Net Assets • Explains the increases and decreases in all the funds on the Statement of Financial Position. • The net assets increased from $371,066 to $394,602 • $23,536 – The excess of revenue over expenses

19 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Statement of Operations GENERAL FUND • Report of Revenue & Expenses over the year Revenue is down from last year Membership Fees $106,152 compared to $113,689 Expenses that are higher in 2018 Director Travel $3,776 compared to $1,982 General & Admin Expenses $12,660 compared to $11,171 Advertising & Promotion $36,287 compared to $35,037 Expenses that are lower in 2018 Office Staff $17,910 compared to $18,373 Excess of Revenue over Expenses: $23,536

20 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Statement of Operations ACTION FUND • Report of All Contributions & Disbursements Revenue is up from last year Action Fund Contributions $49,493 compared to $40,911 Disbursements are higher than last year Transfers to ICBP $45,100 compared to $36,263

21 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Statement of Cash Flows • Explains the changes in cash (The increases and decreases) • Details the sources and uses ITEM CASH EFFECT Excess of Revenue over Expenses $23,536 INCREASE in cash Increase in Marketable Securities $30,985 DECREASE In Cash Increase in Deferred Membership $6,343 Increase in Prepaid Expenses $1,102

22 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Approval of Financial Statements I MOVE THAT the 2018 audited annual financial statements as prepared by Pennylegion Chung LLP be accepted.

23 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Appointment of Auditor I MOVE THAT Pennylegion Chung LLP Chartered Professional Accountants are re-appointed as the auditors of the Alliance to hold office until the close of the next annual general meeting of the members or until a successor is appointed.

24 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners

25 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
SOCIAL MEDIA: Sheila Telford

26 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Social Media Website: Facebook CABP Instagram Twitter Google

27 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Website Updated regularly by ex Chair, Dave Morris Place to go to join and renew easily

28 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Facebook Growing demographic of users among seniors 62% of online seniors aged 65+ are on Facebook 72% of online seniors aged are on Facebook Recent CABP Facebook ads also appear on Instagram Facebook page followers have increased from to 684 in three months

29 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Instagram Growing in popularity with Seniors New CABP Instagram account “frozenbritishpensions” Hope that new campaign outlined in Justice takes off We need every single member to tell their story to keep this feed live to spread the word about injustice of frozen pensions.

30 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Twitter Twitter handle is Cabp_news Connected to Facebook page Follow us and re-tweet our tweets for maximum impact

31 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Google Google adgrant worth $10,000 If you google British pensions our website comes up first as an ad

32 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
ICBP REPORT – Fiona Macleod

33 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Political lobbying : Tendo PR firm in London Started up with them in 2018 Compelling, varied and emotive case studies

34 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
EndFrozenPensions Various components to this campaign: Two petitions - APPG and MP connections Media coverage

35 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
London ICBP Visit October 2018

36 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
First Petition Anne Puckridge, 94-year old frozen pensioner

37 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Theresa May, Meet My Mum Anne is 93. She served in the Second World War and worked in the UK up until the age of 76. She paid her National Insurance in full. But the British government now thanks her with the indignity of a ‘frozen’ pension. Anne’s pension was ‘frozen’ at £72.50 per week when she left the UK for Canada to be closer to her daughter and grandchildren. Her pension doesn’t increase in-line with inflation so it falls in real value year-on-year. If she had stayed in the UK she would be getting £ per week. Astonishingly there are over 520,000 British pensioners in similar positions, most of whom live in Commonwealth countries, where as other countries like America and the Philippines are unaffected.  262,169 have signed thus far.

38 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Drop-In Event in the Houses of Parliament

39 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Petition delivered to 10 Downing St

40 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Media Coverage TV and radio (BBC and ITV, both recorded and live interviews) 6 national news media (Guardian, Sunday Express, BBC) Story was covered in 110 articles in UK Associated Press print media

41 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Visit to British Consulate

42 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Second Petition: End Frozen Pensions I call on the Government to end the practice of ‘freezing’ the UK state pension overseas 13,027 have signed so far.

43 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Current Status of the Campaign Anne to meet Theresa May Brexit APPG 62 members Ongoing media articles (International Advisor, International Express, Sunday Express, Money Marketing) Celebrity Miriam Margolyes Facebook page Ian’s s with Tendo asks

44 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Peter Sanguinetti

45 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Print Media Senior Style Magazines. Newsletters pertaining to a Senior's Club or Group Community Newspapers.

46 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
October General Election Attend an All Candidates Meeting Briefly describe the Frozen Pension Issue. State the policy of the UK government costs the Canadian Economy $1 Billion per year. Successful candidate to agree to meet you within 3 months of taking their seat in the House. Full discussion of the Frozen Pension Issue at that meeting. What you as the elector expect the member to do. Follow up after say 18 months.  What has the member been able to achieve? What new developments can you tell the member.? Agree to meet again in a years time.

47 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Election of Directors Slate of Directors David Acheson Ian Andexser Malcolm Campbell Fiona Macleod David Morris Peter Sanguinetti Sheila Telford

48 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Election of Directors I MOVE THAT the slate of Directors of the Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners as shown be elected by acclamation to hold office for a three year term expiring not later than the close of the annual meeting of members in the third year of office following this election.

49 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Confirmation of Proceedings I MOVE THAT all by-laws, resolutions, contracts, acts and proceedings of the Board of Directors of the Alliance enacted, passed, made, done or taken since the date of the last annual meeting of members are approved, ratified, sanctioned and confirmed

50 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Closing Remarks

51 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
ANY QUESTIONS? Other business? Declare meeting adjourned

52 Canadian Alliance of British Pensioners
Annual General Meeting June 15th, 2019

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