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Lower Nemahbin Lake Association 2018 Annual Meeting WELCOME

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Presentation on theme: "Lower Nemahbin Lake Association 2018 Annual Meeting WELCOME"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lower Nemahbin Lake Association 2018 Annual Meeting WELCOME
August 13, 2018

2 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 Agenda
6:30 PM - Registration/pay dues 7:00 PM - Guest Speaker – Henry Elling 7:45 PM - Annual Members Meeting 8:30 PM - Social Time

3 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 Guest Speaker
Henry Elling Summit Village Planner

4 Lower Nemahbin Lake Association Annual Meeting
August 13, 2018

5 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 Agenda
7:45 PM - Annual Members Meeting President’s report Board of Directors elections, 4 positions Adopt 2019 budget Approve Articles of Incorporation change Committee reports Old & new business Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)/ EWM (Milfoil) control efforts Water quality Volunteer opportunities Member comments 8:30 PM - Social Time

6 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 President’s Report
LNLA accomplishments in last year: Continued increase in membership (75) AIS/milfoil efforts – fund raising, education, mapping, treatment, follow-up assessments Expanded water quality monitoring Spring social event, July 4th activities Annual membership directory Monitor area developments that could impact the lake Obtained latest DNR fisheries report Interactions with area lake leaders, DNR, others

7 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 President’s Report (continued)
Near and long-term goals Continue to increase membership Increase volunteer participation Control Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) Detect and respond to the introduction of new AIS Continue water quality monitoring Start a “Clean Boats – Clean Waters” program to reduce the introduction of new invasive species Provide additional social opportunities

8 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 Board of Director’s Election
The LNLA Board has 8 Directors, 4 of which are also Officers, each serves a two year term. The 4 nominees this year are: Jim Keller, President/Secretary (Incumbent) Paul Keenan, Director (Incumbent) Jim Mateer, Director Nancy Mathiowetz, Director Thank you to Michael Carton and Anne Wall for their service on the Board.

9 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 2019 Budget Adoption
Overall guiding principle: Keep spending in line with our revenue.  Expenses and Revenues: Assume the pattern of revenues and expenses remains basically unchanged for the rest of 2018 and 2019. Include added funding for possible: increase in social events, new CBCW program, coordinated treatment of northern Lower Nemahbin and southern Upper Nemahbin.  Recommendations: Dues – remain unchanged at $40 per year. Reserves – maintain a modest reserve in the general fund and AIS/milfoil funds for unexpected needs. Proposed Revenue $ 8531 Expenses $ 7691

10 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 2019 Budget Adoption

11 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 Articles of Incorporation Change
The Board of Directors recommend Member approval to file amendments to the LNLA’s original Articles of Incorporation so as to bring it into conformance with the Bylaws and other requirements for IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.

12 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 AIS (Including Milfoil) Control Efforts
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS), Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) EWM past efforts – 2015: Education, start fund raising, mapping, hand removal, divers 2016, 2017: Obtained DNR approval and hired a contractor to treat the worst dense areas of EWM. Treated about 3 acres each year. 2018 efforts to date Divers did hand pulling of EWM in June Initiated routine monitoring for new AIS, using trained volunteers Meander survey of lake conducted by Waukesha/Washington County AIS Future Efforts Publish a 2018 end-of-season update summary on our website Joint EWM work with Upper Nemahbin on adjoining sections of lakes Start a “Clean Boats – Clean Waters” program here to reduce the spread of EWM and other AIS

13 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 Water Quality
Volunteers have been taking regular measurements of water clarity and lake level. In 2018 expanded water quality monitoring: Applied for and received a DNR grant to cover costs of training and supplies for our volunteers to perform additional water quality monitoring, part of Citizen Lake Monitoring Network (CLMN). Initiated water sampling for several key parameters to better assess and track the health of the lake. Includes phosphorous, chlorophyll, dissolved oxygen, and suspended solids. Results on DNR/CLMN website

14 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 Water Quality Lower Nemahbin – Trophic State Index Average summer (July-August) values for Secchi, by year. (From DNR Citizen Lake Monitoring Report)

15 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 DNR Fisheries Report

16 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 DNR Fisheries Report
We have obtained from the DNR their recently completed “2016 Nemahbin Lakes Fisheries Summary Report”. The DNR used nets and “electrofishing” in 2016 to survey the numbers and sizes of fish in the three connected lakes (Lower Nashotah, Upper Nemahbin, and Lower Nemahbin).  The report indicates the “Nemahbin Lakes showed excellent sport fishing diversity as well as quality size structure”.  The DNR found 18” largemouth bass, 24” walleye, and 36” northern pike in the lakes.  The report recommends the DNR should continue its program of stocking large fingerling walleye and northern pike.  There is also a recommendation to “promote habitat protection and enhancement best management practices including the addition of woody structure or ‘fish sticks’ in littoral habitat”.  The full DNR report is on the LNLA website. 

17 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 Website Update
Update from Dan Jens, Chair – Website Committee

18 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are crucial to the success and continued operation of the LNLA. Consider participation in: Board of Directors Outreach (including committee chair) AIS/Milfoil monitoring and control Water Quality Social Events History of the Lake Communications (web page, Facebook, etc) Membership Directory

19 LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 Member Comments
Your turn.

20 End of Meeting, social time!
LNLA Annual Meeting 2018 End of Meeting, social time!

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