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Ms. Miller’s Fourth Grade Puzzlers

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1 Ms. Miller’s Fourth Grade Puzzlers

2 25th year teaching County level trainer Teacher Support Specialist Master’s in Elementary Education 3 children, married, live in Acworth

3 7:15 – 7:45 Morning Activities
7:45 – 8:00 Announcements, Attendance 8:00 – 8:45 Specials 8:45 – 10:00 Math 10:00 – 11:00 Reading 11:00 – 12:00 Writing 12:00 – 12:15 OG/Vocabulary 12:18 – 12:48 Lunch 12:48 – 1:10 Recess 1:10 – 1:55 Science or Social Studies 1:55 – 2:00 Homework, Agenda, Pack up 2:00 – 2:15 Read-A-Loud 2:15 - Dismissal

4 Absent & Not Taken to the Doctor – Please send a note from the parent stating the date(s) and illness.​ Absent & Taken to the Doctor – Please send in a doctor’s note.  ​ Tardy – Please send in doctor’s note, dentist’s note, or dated note from parent.​ Excuse notes will not be accepted after 3 days.

5 Classroom Information
Clip chart: Daily behavior system Agendas: Homework – students are responsible for copying this down daily. Sign nightly so I know you know! Target: Wednesday Red Homework Folders: to and from school and home every day Teamwork is key!!

6 Behavior Information Pink – Role Model (awesome choices, on task, helpful, many times throughout the day) Purple – Outstanding (great day, many good choices) Blue - Good Day Green – Ready to Learn (normal) Yellow – Think About It (at least two reminders to be on task or have caused some sort of small problem) Orange – Teacher’s Choice – consequence for more than three times of being redirected (usually some recess taken away) Red - Parent Contact – rough day (I will be in contact with you to explain the day)

7 Grading Policy 100 – 90 = A 89 – 80 = B 79 – 74 = C 73 – 70 = D
Below 69 = F I accept corrections on graded work for HALF CREDIT through December. August & September =any paper October=no A papers November= no A or B papers December = only D & F papers

8 Social Studies Economics Map and Globe skills American Revolution
Government Westward Expansion Reform Movements Civil War Reconstruction

9 Science Earth and Moon Stars and Planets Ecosystems Water Weather
Light Sound Force and Motion (simple machines)

10 Math Place value, rounding, decimals
Multiplication (4 digit x 1 digit, 2-digit x 2-digit) Factors, Multiples Long division with 1-digit divisors Measurement (length, mass, capacity, time) Geometry (angles, 2D figures, symmetry) Algebra skills (use of variables, symbols) Problem Solving Fractions (order, equivalence, +, -, x)

11 Reading and ELA Lucy Calkins Units of Study Vocabulary: workbook
Spelling program: via Phonics (OG) Guided Reading: small groups Partner Reading: 4th grade level with skill work Writing: Writer’s Workshop, individual student-teacher conferencing (Informational, Persuasive, Narrative)

12 Homework Research has been unable to prove that homework improves
student performance. Practicing skills that were taught in class is a way to keep you up to date as to what we learning and to further solidify the concept. However, I will NEVER grade homework. Homework is part of the work and study habit area of the report card and receives either an “S”, “N” or “U”

13 Agendas Students are continuing to use a daily agenda in 4th grade. They are responsible for recording homework, notes and important dates. Please help your child develop this important study skill by looking over the agenda with him/her and initialing it daily. Parent Signature on bottom each day.

14 Counselors Biweekly lessons focusing on academics, career, and personal and social development Small groups for skill building and support Individual meetings by student self- referral or teacher/parent request Who is my counselor? Mrs. Oakes, school counselor

15 Communication The blog is updated every week. Subscribe. Class Tag Transportation changes in writing on a separate sheet of paper Conferences: 6:55 am, 8:00am, 2:30pm

16 Target Target begins next week Wednesday
Any questions on placement or eligibility, see Mrs. Carolyn Griffin

17 AC Math Eligibility letters were sent home today
Any questions on placement or eligibility, see Mrs. Appleyard Everyday from 9:00 – 10:00 Mrs. Vest All of 4th grade and ½ of 5th grade content

18 Housekeeping Supplies PG movie permission
Family Information Guide form Buccaneer Bundle Class Tag Xtra Math Seesaw

19 Please support our Foundation during the Patron Drive
Please support our Foundation during the Patron Drive! Your donation impacts every student every day!

20 What does the PTA do? What can I do for the PTA?
$25,000 in stipends to teachers/year 3,000 volunteer hours/year 4 Family Engagement Nights Community Outreach Character Education Visiting Author Reflections and MUCH MORE!!!!! What can I do for the PTA? Volunteer Participate in Read-a-Thon (August 21st – August 25th) Visit us at

21 What does the PTA do? What can I do for the PTA?
Provide invaluable classroom support Family & Community Events: Concert on the Green * Spring Thing * Fun Run Community Outreach Character Education Visiting Author Reflections and MUCH MORE!!!!! What can I do for the PTA? Volunteer – at home and in school opportunities Participate in Read-a-Thon (August 19th – August 23rd) – Primary Fundraiser of the Year Visit us at Follow us on Facebook and Insatgram

22 volunteers-and-ferpa
Cobb County Schools is requiring every parent volunteer to watch a brief video on FERPA and to sign off that they understand and will uphold the responsibilities outlined in FERPA. volunteers-and-ferpa

23 What are our specials? 8 day rotation, PE and STEM twice a week
Birthday treats? We love to celebrate birthdays! Birthday treats are welcome but MUST be store bought. Homemade birthday treats (even if ingredients are listed) will be sent home. This is our classroom policy to best protect ALL students. We have two students with nut allergies. Volunteer opportunities? We will send home information with more opportunities to volunteer once we meet with our PTA Room-Reps ... Bi-weekly helper for vocabulary tests Label and sort books Holiday party Copy mom/dad End of the year party Station Helper (academic) Field Trips TPV Mystery Reader What are our specials? 8 day rotation, PE and STEM twice a week STEM – PE – ART – PE – STEM – PE – MUSIC - PE

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