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Vacuolar Uptake of LDs Under Dark-Induced Starvation.

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Presentation on theme: "Vacuolar Uptake of LDs Under Dark-Induced Starvation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vacuolar Uptake of LDs Under Dark-Induced Starvation.
Vacuolar Uptake of LDs Under Dark-Induced Starvation. (A) to (F) Electron micrographs of leaf cells of 4-week-old sdp1-4 plants dark treated for 1 d (A) and 2 d (see [B] to [F]). Arrows indicate LDs. Bars = 0.5 µm in (A), 1 µm in (B) to (D), 2 µm in (E), 0.2 µm in (F), and 0.1 µm in the inset in (F). (B) to (D) Various stages of LD internalization into AVs (see [B] and [D]). Note that LD is partially degraded within invagination of the AV membrane in (C). (E) Presence of LDs in the central vacuole. CV, central vacuole. (F) Immunogold labeling of sdp1-4 seedlings dark treated for 2 d in the presence of 0.5 µM concA using the ATG8 antibody. Arrowheads indicate gold particles. The inset shows higher magnification of the boxed region. Jilian Fan et al. Plant Cell 2019;31: ©2019 by American Society of Plant Biologists

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