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Annely Holm Environmental Board Estonia

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1 Annely Holm Environmental Board Estonia
Nordic Alvar in Estonia – example of large scale restoration project LIFE to alvars Annely Holm Environmental Board Estonia 15. May 2019 Brussels

2 Loss of the alvar habitat (6280
Loss of the alvar habitat (6280* Nordic alvar and precambrian calcareous flatrocks) Starting situation in 2014- Estonia has experienced a major loss of alvar grassland (85%) in the past 60 years due to: abandonment forestation inadequate grazing regime From 2020 targeted 7700 hectares only about 2000 hectares are in good status. Main threat to the alvar grasslands is overgrowing with junipers and pine trees after traditional low intensity grazing has ceased.

3 LIFE to alvars results by 2019
Improved conservation status of 2500 hectares of alvar grasslands achieved by removing the overgrowth of bushes and trees Improved habitat conditions for several protected plant species (including 15 species of orchids) Long term management initiated- 10 year contracts with farmers and established for the traditional management of restored areas 51 information panels set up at the 25 different project sites Large scale implementation of novel mechanised restoration methodology at protected meadow habitat; Fotol projekti kodulehel toodud kaardikiht, kus saab vaadata projektialade asukohti ja mis töid on seal tehtud. Teisel pildid taastatud ala koos projekti infotahvliga.

4 Ingredients for success
WORK WITH STAKEHOLDERS Involving approximately 600 private landowners, 60 local farmers and 30 restoration entrepreneurs WORK WITH LOCAL COMMUNITY 25 guided tours and seminars at the project areas for different interest groups; regular meetings, seminars and common fieldwork with farmers, landowners, experts WORK WITH MEDIA More than 100 publication in local, regional and international media, social media campaign carried out in the project webpage and Facebook, regular publications in local and national media channels Fotol projekti kodulehel toodud kaardikiht, kus saab vaadata projektialade asukohti ja mis töid on seal tehtud. Teisel pildid taastatud ala koos projekti infotahvliga.

5 Ingredients for success- socio-economic aspect
GENERATING LONG TERM INCOME Short term income form restoration and grazing infrastructure building activities during the project, long term income for the local community from grazing alvars: fodder for the sheep and cattle agri-environmental scheme added tourstic value of the landscape Income for private landowners through rent ADDED VALUE PRODUCTS Local coop of farmers initiated in the frames of added-value products working group of the project – aim of the coop is to market the products from the alvar – meat, wool, skins to generate income from alvar grazing. INITIAL INVESTMENT Restoration and grazing infrastructure is a big investment for the farmer. By carrying out this activity through project, farmer can carry on the traditional management and keeping the long term result. Fotol projekti kodulehel toodud kaardikiht, kus saab vaadata projektialade asukohti ja mis töid on seal tehtud. Teisel pildid taastatud ala koos projekti infotahvliga.

6 Lessons learned NOVEL METHODOLOGY
Methodology for mechanical restoration of alvars is successful and can be applied to other grassland types in Estonia and cross border (and is already done). STAKEHOLDERS It is extremely important to involve stakeholders already in the preparation phase of the project. It is possible to carry out large scale restoration projects with many stakeholders and private landowners. KEEPING THE RESULT It is important to establish the means to keep the result after the project is finished. One of the most successful and cost effective way to do it, is by making the project into local communities project. Fotodel veetünn, varjualune, erinevad aiad ja väravad – isesulguv värav, autoga läbitav värav, sõraliste tõke.

7 Thank you for your attention!
More information on website: or in Facebook LIFEtoalvars

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